Rescue the teacher, Save the child
A Blog by Paula Baack. Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope you find it entertaining and insightful. Whether you are a new or seasoned teacher, a parent, an administrator, or you are curious about teacher issues, this blog is for you.
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
November 22, 2021 Which comes first: irritability or insomnia? As a retired teacher, I still remember those days when angry parent email rants kept me from getting any sleep. Or well-meaning administration asking me to continually “reflect” (the most obnoxious word known to educators) on my teaching decisions, making me toss and turn preparing an …
The post DISCONTENTMENT, DOUBT AND DISRESPECT: A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER FOR TEACHERS appeared first on Rescue the teacher, Save the child more
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
God isn’t done with me yet! November 9, 2021 One year ago today, I received my Covid positive results. I had a scratchy throat but no fever. For a couple of days previous, I just felt tired and run down. Why did I get tested with such minimal symptoms? Our little town provided testing, so …
The post My One Year Anniversary appeared first on Rescue the teacher, Save the child more
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
A Captured Audience Parent Learns a Lesson in Teacher Harassment Picture, if you will, a teacher trying to constantly recover from hurtful attacks during her entire teaching career. As a choral director, any decisions I made about who was in what choir, who performed what solos or leads in the musical were always up for …
The post Karma Baby, It’s Karma! appeared first on Rescue the teacher, Save the child more
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
HIDE behind your computer. RANT paragraphs on your entitlement to privilege and hit SEND! So let me rant…just kidding. But I do want to address vitriol emails AGAIN. As I shared in my book Rescue the Teacher, Save the Child!, I probably lost my last job due to five parents complaining about my choice of …
The post HRS SYNDROME appeared first on Rescue the teacher, Save the child more
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
The calming sunset of retirement for teachers is a false narrative for many. Here are a few things I bet you didn’t know about teachers: We don’t make friends easy since no one wants to hang out with us due to our 24/7 schedule. And we’re usually exhausted anyway. Our social life is determined by …
The post The Season of Our Discontent appeared first on Rescue the teacher, Save the child more
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
The post What’s Really Wrong With American Education: A Poetic Summary! appeared first on Rescue the teacher, Save the child more
Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
FINAL BLOG IN A SERIES: The country, the culture and the people who are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution to the spiraling downfall in American education. This is the final blog regarding the specific topic of What’s Really Wrong With American Education. I would encourage you to go …
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Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
The entitled students supported by the inalienable right to complain parents. Today I heard a conversation regarding social media platforms and what they are doing to our children. It is nothing productive or positive. Yet parents feel the need to allow their children on such sites, usually without much investigation or monitoring. The end of …
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Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
School boards who act as a rubber stamp or don’t act at all are crippling our schools and a disservice to teachers and students. Today’s headlines regarding school boards in disarray: Chaos at a local school board meeting leads to one person being escorted out by police (KKTV News); School board meetings heat up across …
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Rescue the teacher, Save the child
3y ago
Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. -Margaret Mead Today’s educational headlines: ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE PLUMMETS (Colorado Springs Gazette); THE LOOMING CRISIS OF KIDS AND COVID (U.S. News); MASK IT OR CASKET (USA Today); TEACHERS QUIT JOBS AT HIGHEST RATE ON RECORD (Wall Street Journal) Today’s anti-democracy headlines: A CASE AGAINST DEMOCRACY …
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