Pete the Vet
Pete Wedderburn is a practicing small animal vet and a well known journalist writing and broadcasting about animal welfare and behaviour and pet health.
Pete the Vet
4d ago
Whenever a pet loses weight unexpectedly, just as in humans, this can be a worry. Read my column in this week’s regional Independent newspapers to learn about a recent case that I saw in my clinic.
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Pete the Vet
1w ago
This week, the Moncrieff Show on Newstalk picked up on my recent article in the regional Independent newspapers, and we discussed this in detail. Societal changes show that parents are having more pets and fewer children. And divorced or separated people are more likely to choose a pet rather than a new human partner. Why is this? Listen to the podcast by clicking this link to find out more.
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Pete the Vet
3w ago
Grass seeds are small sharp objects that can be hazardous to pets. Listen below to find out more, or read my latest Independent regional newspaper article here.
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Pete the Vet
1M ago
Cats are very different from dogs, from their tongues to their claws to their behaviours. This short podcast discusses some of those differences: listen below. I’ve also written on this topic in my Irish regional newspaper column: you can read this here.
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Pete the Vet
1M ago
In the past week, penguins have been making international news. This short podcast (see below) describes how I used to work with the penguins at Edinburgh Zoo, when I was a student, and then we go on to discuss the two recent news stories. I’ve also written about this in my weekly column in Ireland’s regional newspapers, which you can read by clicking here.
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Pete the Vet
1M ago
Poisoning is a common issue for pets: this short podcast discusses three typical cases that I have seen at my vet clinic in the past couple of months: click on the play button below to listen. I’ve also written a piece on the topic in my regional newspaper article in Ireland which you can read here.
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Pete the Vet
1M ago
Cats have a strong drive to hunt birds, but many owners would prefer that they don’t do this. This short podcast discusses how hunting behaviour can be reduced. I’ve also written a piece on this topic in the regional newspapers in Ireland – you can read this here. Listen to the podcast below.
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Pete the Vet
1M ago
The human-animal bond is the cornerstone of my work as a vet, and as a vet in the media. I was delighted to see this being the focus of a UK-based awareness day recently. Visit their website to find out more, and see their social media profiles to view videos of the presentations created on the topic. I wrote a piece on the topic myself, in Irish regional newspapers, which you can read here. By the way, this photo shows my own childhood pets – Sheba the Golden Retriever and Honey the cat. Sheba often cleaned Honey’s ears, placing her paw on Honey’s neck to hold him still, and Honey came up to more
Pete the Vet
1M ago
Here’s another short discussion about the dos and don’ts of taking pets on holiday with you, including travelling overseas. For many of us, the thought of leaving our pets behind is simply no fun: they MUST come with us. To learn more about how to avoid pitfalls when travelling with your pets, listen here.
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Pete the Vet
1M ago
This week’s short podcast discusses taking pets on holidays, especially when taking pets on holiday within Ireland. Listen to the podcast by clicking here.
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