Multi-tasking Neural Networks
2y ago
      Hello all, hope you all are keeping safe and doing well. I am seeing a lot of discussing around ‘multi-task learning’ so I thought to share my understanding about it. ‘Multi-tasking Neural Networks’ is a huge topic and there are many researches going on around this topic. I read some of the papers and I am trying to give you all a brief idea about the multi-task learning. I will try to make it as simple as possible, if you have any questions feel free to drop a line in the comment section and I will get back to you soon. Let’s start with answering the main question “W more
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Wish all of you a very Happy New Year 2022!
2y ago
I am happy that 2021 is finally ending. It was the most difficult year of my life so far. I lost my only brother due to COVID-19 in July’21. Since then, it has been a never-ending fight with myself to accept this loss and move forward… The only hope is someday I will meet him again in the Heaven. Professionally though, I had an awesome year. As a team, we learned new techniques every day, we experimented with different methods and enhanced our skills together. I cannot thank my team enough for supporting me like a real family when I needed it the most. I’m so grateful and look forward t more
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Socket programming with python(sending text messages and image files)
3y ago
          Recently I was working with socket programming and I was amazed to learn how we can communicate between 2 machines placed remotely. With sockets, not only communicating we can send/receive any kind of data including images. So I thought of sharing this knowledge with you all.            We will directly go to the implementation as there are many descriptions online about the socket programming. Today I will share two implementation, first one is sending text messages between sockets and second one is sending image fr more
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Text detection and localization with Tesseract ORC
3y ago
Hello all, hope you are doing good and keeping safe. I am writing new blog post after a long break, still adjusting with the new life style. Not sure when a vaccine will come for #convid19and we will get back to our normal life again. Anyways lets get started. Today we will learn about how to detect and localize text in image utilizing Tesseract OCR. Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine for various operating systems. It is free software, released under the Apache License. Originally developed by Hewlett-Packard as proprietary software in the 1980s, it was released as open sou more
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A simple classifier to classify Cars and aeroplanes with CNN(Part 2: inference)
3y ago
Hello there, hope you are doing well. This is a sequential post of classifier with CNN. In our earlier post we learned how collect the data, organize them and train a model for classification. In this post we will learn how we can use the trained model and actually classify the Cars and Planes. When I was starting to train a CNN and learn, I had a difficult time to learn how to use the model and actually see the result. All the article or blogs I was following only talks about how to train the network but no one was actually talking about how we can see the classification results. Enough talk more
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Reading Image frame by frame from Saved videoes or Camera Using opencv Python
3y ago
One of my friend was asking about reading image frames from videoes, so I thought a quick block may be very helpful for beginners. It is actually very easy, just follow the bellow steps: Step 1. Installations a. Install python If you still do not have python in your system , please install python For linux: sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python3.6 For windows:download the installation file from python website and follow the instructions b. Install Opencv For linux: sudo pip3 install opencv-python For Windows: pip3 install opencv-python Step2: Readi more
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A simple classifier to classify Cars and aeroplanes with CNN(Part 1)
3y ago
Today we will build a simple supervised algorithm with keras to classify cars and aeroplanes.  We will implement a simple CNN(convolution Neural Network), which we will train with the dataset, after the model is generated we can easily classify the images. Here we are using only two classes, but you can classify as many classes as you want. I am using a small dataset. For training 200 images of cars and 200 images of planes. And for testing 50 images from each class. You can use your own dataset with different classes if you want. The dataset contains lot of information or features of more
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Harry Potter's magical Cloak with opencv
3y ago
Hi there, last few blogs were hardcore machine learning and AI. Today let’s learn something interesting, lets do some magic using computer vision. I hope you all know about Harry Potter’s ‘invisible cloak’, the one he uses to become invisible. We will see how we can do the same magic trick with the help of computer vision. I will code with python and use the opencv library. Below is the video for your reference: The algorithm is very simple, we will separate the foreground and background image with segmentation. And then remove the foreground object from every frame. We are using a red more
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Linear Regression Implementation with python
3y ago
Hello all, I hope from last few posts you already have good theoretical concept about the Machine Learning Algorithms. Today, we will do a Simple Linear Regression implementation with python. It won’t take much time and I will try to explain every step with simple words. It is called Simple Linear Regression as it considers only one feature of input data and make the prediction. For example, here we will consider a housing price data set. As it is Simple Regression, it will only consider the size of the house to predict the price of it. But Multiple Regression, to predict the price it may con more
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Top 10 interview questions in Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
3y ago
Hello Folks, if you read my previous three posts on Artificial Intelligence (AI), then congratulations you have the basic knowledge about the Machine Learning algorithms if not please read them. Today I would like to discuss about some most commonly used interview question on the field of Machine Learning and AI. Which would help you crack your interviews in machine Learning. Most of the basic things are already covered, remaining we will learn here. Let’s get started What is Gradient Decent? -             Gradient decent is an optimization algorithm wh more
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