Dandelions: An Overlooked Plant with Remarkable Benefits
Urban Survival Site
by Brian Lassitter
14h ago
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Do you want to know a secret? There is a high probability that you have a plant growing in your yard that has a lot of health and survival benefits, and you probably don’t even know about it. Heck, even if it's not growing in your yard, it’s almost certainly growing in your neighbor's yard or in a random sidewalk crack. The plant we’re talking about is the dandelion. Yes, dandelions. That “weed” so many of us have been led to believe should be eradicated from every lawn. But don’t spray this “weed” or dig it out and throw it in some trash pile. The little dan ..read more
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How to Prepare for Political Unrest
Urban Survival Site
by Steve Nubie
3d ago
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes If the last election was any sign of things to come, the winter of 2024 going into 2025 has the potential to see outbreaks of civil unrest, regardless of the outcome of the November elections. Various politicians and political groups continue to challenge the integrity of any election, and groups on both sides of the fence seem quick to take offense and protest in the streets. As usual, it’s a minority of citizens who resort to violence, but fear will spread as everyone is affected by civil unrest and frightened by a news media eager to make money from scary ..read more
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27 Things to Buy RIGHT NOW If You’re Not Prepared For A Disaster
Urban Survival Site
by Alexa Weeks
5d ago
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes You’ve got 2 hours until disaster strikes. Are you prepared? If you’ve watched any apocalyptic movie ever, you’re familiar with the grocery store scene. You know which one I’m talking about. Anxious dad rushes isle by isle gathering water and canned food for his family while everyone around him gradually turns from innocent customer to aggressive looter. In this scenario, shelves are emptied quickly, and the store turns into a war zone. In the next scene, dad finds a store that has managed to keep control of their stock but has become absurdly greedy, inflat ..read more
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How to Turn Your Basement into a Survival Shelter
Urban Survival Site
by James Walton
1w ago
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes It has now become impossible to ignore. We all need to be better at taking care of ourselves and the people we love. The threat level all over the world has changed and everyone is seeing it. Not everyone knows how to deal with it.  While there is enough creeping collapse around to motivate all of us to prep a little harder, are you motivated enough to create a real survival shelter? The doomsday bunker is a pipe dream for most, even on a handsome salary, you are talking around $400 per square foot for a bunker build these days. However, some do have an ..read more
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8 Ways to Cook Without Cookware
Urban Survival Site
by Perrin Adams
1w ago
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes Camping without cookware might sound like a challenge, but it's simpler than you think. It's all about being resourceful and improvising with what you have. In some cases, it may be inconvenient, in others, a challenge. Regardless, it's a test to see if you can survive without standard cookware. Instead, you'll use nature's tools and your creativity. Combine this with simplifying the concept of cooking and you have an effective strategy. Whether it's grilling over an open flame or steaming fish in foliage, this guide will show you just how easy and fun cooki ..read more
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Do This BEFORE Hyperinflation Arrives
Urban Survival Site
by Tricia Drevets
2w ago
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes In 1914, the German mark had about the same exchange rate of four or five to the U.S. dollar as the British shilling, the French franc, and the Italian lira. However, by 1923, Germany’s exchange rate had ballooned to one trillion marks to one dollar. Newspaper photos captured German citizens pushing wheel barrels full of money to buy even the most modest of grocery items. The causes of this financial firestorm included the German government's abandonment of the gold backing of its currency and a grueling, disastrous World War that lasted far longer than anyon ..read more
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Bulletproof Gun Maintenance: How to Take Care of Your Firearms
Urban Survival Site
by Steve Nubie
2w ago
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes While many states have passed concealed carry laws for firearms allowing for everyday carry, most of us store our guns long-term waiting for that annual, fall hunting trip or for emergencies. Regardless of your usage, maintenance is a critical step in firearms ownership not only for safety reasons, but to maintain the quality and performance of the gun over the long-term. We’ll cover a range of steps to take to maintain guns including storage, cleaning, lubricating, and troubleshooting malfunctions. The telegram is that you should clean your gun af ..read more
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8 Worst Places To Be In An EMP
Urban Survival Site
by James Walton
3w ago
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes The prepper / survival world has some boogeymen that reside in the dark parts of our minds. There are a lot of doomsday scenarios, and that is why we prepare. However, the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is one of the top-tier terrors of the prepping world.  Ever since the mainstream media started touting the “END OF THE INTERNET” due to an EMP triggered by the sun, more people have been considering this situation. What would our world look like if it went off-grid in a snap?  What we fear about the EMP is a MASSIVE surge of energy that is so powerful i ..read more
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10 Sources for Hardware Salvage After SHTF
Urban Survival Site
by Steve Nubie
3w ago
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes How many times have we walked into a hardware store or home center hoping to replace an old nut or bolt and found ourselves paying $2 dollars for a single screw? If you haven’t already started, it’s a good idea to keep that old hardware. It will not only save you a lot of money in the long run, but make a lot of repairs faster and simpler. Here is some hardware you can salvage. Nuts, bolts, screws, and washers are the obvious place to start. It may seem like an imposing assortment of hardware, but generally these items fall in a range of standard sizes most ..read more
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17 Apocalypse Foods You Should Stockpile Fast
Urban Survival Site
by Candi Hanson
1M ago
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes If you have eyes and ears, you know things are not good. Having a stockpile of food is an absolute necessity. Maybe you’ll never actually need it, but the peace and comfort you’ll have knowing it’s there if you need it makes it all worth it. No parent wants to tell their child they don’t have anything to feed the. Food is energy. Energy is survival. You are going to have a lot of tasks that require manual labor. You’ll burn through calories pretty fast. If you don’t have calories to do things like chop wood, haul water or take care of your garden, you’re not ..read more
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