Life Seeking Truth
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Life Seeking Truth
4y ago
Have you ever wondered if your physical body is all that makes you, you? If tomorrow morning, you were hit by a bus and declared brain dead, would that be the end of you? The end of your thoughts, your feelings and your memories? When your brain, your biological computer, shuts down, does that mean you cease to exist? Or is there a part of you that still thinks, still feels, still knows, still remembers?
Well, the author of PROOF OF HEAVEN, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, MD, did not usually entertain such questions. He was a firm believer in the view that hum ..read more
Life Seeking Truth
4y ago
After reading piles and piles of books on the sciences and even more books on faith and spirituality, I have come to a conclusion that is being reached by ever increasing numbers of people today. That conclusion is: SCIENCE and SPIRITUALITY (or faith) are simply two ways of looking at and trying to describe the very same coin; and that coin my friends is the NATURE of the REALITY we all share. In upcoming blog posts, I will present books written by love-filled geniuses who use their powers to weave together the beautiful strands of quantum physics, epi-genetics, meditation, prayer, consciousn ..read more