Soul Levels
Channeled information about mainataining high frequency vibrations to manifest abundance.
Soul Levels
10M ago
I hope you are well during this full moon in Scorpio and some deep insights come in for you all, today. Scorpio is about that which does not see the sun, the underworld or the subconscious or our fears, deep emotional pain, the truth, hidden feelings etc It rules the part of the body where the sun doesn’t shine. Full moons are the energy of bringing something to light or reveal. This Scorpio full moon reveals a hidden truth that ends and transforms a blocking and debilitating subconscious fear. This full moon will shed clarity as to the root source of this fear as being a fear o ..read more
Soul Levels
10M ago
The post Aries Solar Eclipse Water Wheel Ebb and Flow appeared first on Soul Levels ..read more
Soul Levels
10M ago
The post Scorpio Full Moon Facing major fears, and it’s time! appeared first on Soul Levels ..read more
Soul Levels
10M ago
This week we have another powerful conjunction, Jupiter and Uranus meeting in the sign of Taurus. If the eclipse didn’t bring the anticipated changes expected, this conjunction could do it. Uranus is the energy of the future technologies, out of the blue sudden liberating changes, financial freedom, power to the people. It’s an electrical energy and also represents social media and all things internet related. Ultimately these new technologies are here to liberate us from dependance from the matrix, or the system. As we are already in the early stages of the age of aquarius, this conjunction t ..read more
Soul Levels
10M ago
The post Soul Levels 1-10 Youtube Links appeared first on Soul Levels ..read more
Soul Levels
3y ago
The more reads I do, the more I realize how important card reading is. Connecting with our higher truth and inner knowing can really put us on a much clearer or more confident path in our life. After reads I give, I watch people walk away with more sparkle in their eyes, happier, more positive and with much better posture.
Most people love Tarot cards and feel comfortable with them but some think they are dark or not safe. Although, there are some dark cards, I discovered tarot divination to be quite the contrary. Reads I give, including for myself, strongly guide people to their highest and ..read more
Soul Levels
3y ago
Online Spiritual Workshops Offering online balancing and Tarot divination workshops Energy Shifting Workshop
I will show how to shift energies in the work environment from negative to positive. I will also share my energy shifting chart that shows the positive and negative female and male energies. The work environment is sometimes stressful and anxious which causes fears to rise. When that happens people tend to operate in their negative energies which spreads and blocks progress. Showing people the chart alone can sometimes be enough to shift people into their positives allowing more a ..read more
Soul Levels
4y ago
How to lead! lessons from a reluctant leader
The Reluctant Leader
About five years ago when I started channeling Sean, the spirit light worker, I was also volunteering at a horse rescue sanctuary in Sun Valley California. One of the fun games we would play with the horses, after we had taken care of all the hard and dirty work in the stalls, etc, was to see if we could get a horse to follow us in the arena without a rope or lead. It was the true test of leadership skills within an individual if they could manage to get a horse to willingly follow. As we, the volunteers, rested by the arena an ..read more
Soul Levels
4y ago
More on spirit light worker Sean and the current astro weather and what it is all about!
It’s been a tough week for most. As a card reader and student of astrology I can see that this is a collective experience triggered by a certain planets placement, Saturn’s to be precise. The great malefic. I won’t get into details, why, but let’s just say this, that as long Saturn and Jupiter are in Capricorn we have to listen to Saturn. He’s the boss and in charge, no doubt about it. Some of us don’t like that very much. If you let go and listen to what Saturn is telling you to do, you’ll be fine. Just ..read more