DIY Concrete Bowls
Keep it Beautiful Designs
4y ago
Hi all!  Long time no talky! Well, at least over here. I've been hanging out mostly on Instagram for the past while but missing talking to you here.  Let's talk concrete bowls. They are everywhere in home decor. You've likely seen them in your fav magazines or home decor stores. They're beautiful, but their price tag...not so much. Most of the bowls are going for over $100. To me, they're very trendy and if you're going to splurge on something, concrete bowls are not it.  BUT, you can make them for next to nothing. I've made two, a larger one and smaller one and with tons of more
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Keep it Beautiful Designs
5y ago
Hey guys! I have some pretty things to chat about…lighting! I love lighting. It doesn’t matter where it is, simple or extravagant, lighting is my fav part of design. And…I love all forms…lamps, pendants, chandeliers, indoor, outdoor. Okay, actually…I don’t love track lighting. I think that’s the only one. Lighting can either make the room or simply just blend in. Whatever it is there are SO MANY OPTIONS. So many. And, being a lover of lighting, it’s hard to choose just which one for your space. So, obviously I go to my first stop, You know its my fav. Honestly, my house is either more
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Keep it Beautiful Designs
5y ago
Oh hey people hey! How are you all!?  It’s been an eternity since I’ve posted on here. So much has been going on and I’ve been spending more time hanging over on Instagram and just doin’ life. I know you all know that life happens and it’s busy. BUT, I have SO much to share with you. Particularly around the house. This blog was born from renovating our house 7 years ago while I was on mat leave and we worked on renovating this 100 year old gem. As you know, when we bought the house, we always knew we wanted to eventually add an addition to it. We’ve talked and talked and talked about it for ye more
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