Every writer has his muse and so mine is my Tovarysh though it might be more accurate to say I am the scribe rather than the author. It is the English spelling of the Slavic word for friend. These writings have been both uplifting & inspiring for me & I feel it is time to 'publish' them in a way that others may also benefit from them. I make no claims, I offer no proof. The proof is in..
6d ago
Is occurring at all times. Often it is subtle. But it can also be very obvious. How do you respond To change in your life? With dread or excitement? Dear One, nothing is static. Everything is in constant movement because energy flows. And energy is the building block of all things. Often you are ..read more
1w ago
You wish to see With love, not fear. Power comes from love And only love. Any ‘power’ created in fear is illusional. See yourself as you truly are. A powerhouse of love. Dear One, you have the power to create the world you wish to see. But do not yet understand the power of ..read more
2w ago
How to move forward with grace. Yet do not have enough faith in yourself. You do not trust your connection and knowledge. Begin anew this day and move forward With purpose and love. Dear One, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to connect with your higher self. It is always ..read more
1M ago
Your power and Your connection to the All. Your magnificence, And ability to change the world By sending love From your heart center. Dear One, do not doubt your power and ability to help this world by sending love from your heart center. Your power is just beginning to emerge and stretch its wings ..read more
1M ago
Allow the inner glow To emerge from within Through every cell of your body. Send love from your heart center And allow yourself to shine For all to see. Dear One, do you accept that you are a vessel of light that can affect this world? Can you believe that your mere presence alters ..read more
1M ago
And listen. Feel and see, The love around you. Return it with every breath That you take. A sacred exchange A wondrous connection With the All That Is. Dear One, step away from the confines of your mind and allow your senses to guide you forward instead. Love is all around you and can be ..read more
1M ago
Not with dread or fear. But with love and excitement For all the possibilities And opportunities available to you. You create your world. Create with love and joy. Dear One, the New Year is not only in the future. It is also in the present and the past. For time does not exist as ..read more
1M ago
Can you feel the shift that is occurring Here upon this plane? Will you trust it and give gratitude For what is coming? Will you support it with love, Only love, in your heart? Dear One, a shift has just occurred in your Universe. Can you feel it? Like a small shudder that shakes off ..read more
2M ago
With your presence in this world. Each of you has a purpose And each of you fulfills that purpose As you move through this world. Your presence is needed. Never doubt that. Dear One, this physical plane has passed the tipping point towards change and growth. This may seem contrary to what you see and ..read more
2M ago
Where do you go from here? Up or down? Backward or forward? Towards light or darkness? In faith or fear? It is your choice. Dear One, the choices are yours to make. How do you wish to create your world? Will you use the power you have been given for the highest good? Will you ..read more