Does My Cat Know Her Name?
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Does My Cat Know Her Name? When you call Mittens, what happens? Does she come, or does she choose to ignore you? We’ve heard many people (non-cat owners) say that cats don’t know their names like dogs do. Several studies have proved that cat owners are right; of course, their kitty knows her name and she will, occasionally, when she feels like it, come when called. Certainly, cats are different from dogs, but both know their names and know that you want them to come when you call them. Depending on her mood, that may or may not happen with your cat (and some pooches we know). A study done in J more
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Poopy Bags – Green Or Not?
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Poopy Bags – Green Or Not? Most of us understand that we need to pick up after our pooches and poopy bags make the task more convenient when we are out and about. But are poopy bags ecologically sound? Ask Kermit the Frog – it’s not easy being green. Many waste bags are made from plastic, so the short-term convenience has long-term implications. Those plastic bags end up in a landfill, and they take eons to degrade. There are biodegradable bags on the market. While that may sound nice, many bags labeled as biodegradable contain some plastic, so when the biodegradable part of the bag break more
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Things Humans Do That Annoy Our Pets!
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Things Humans Do That Annoy Our Pets! We love our pets so much it’s painful to think that we may be aggravating them without realizing it. As much as they love us, even our best friends have limits. Go over this list and see if you may have inadvertently antagonized your best friend (don’t worry, they have big hearts and will forgive us). Both felines and canines dislike being lonely. They are social animals, not solitary, and they love attention and companionship. Even with our busy lives, we can all find bits of time here and there to spend with Fluffy and Fido. If you’re at home, stop now a more
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Hair Loss In Cats
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Seasonal shedding is completely normal for pets, but in some cases, a cat may frequently scratch herself or even have bald spots. Hair and fur loss, called alopecia, is actually a common problem for cats. This can refer to full or partial fur loss, and various health issues can cause it. Here are some of the most common reasons Fluffy may be losing her fur.The #1 cause of fur loss is allergies. Figuring out what she is allergic to can take some time. Your cat could be allergic to food, medications, insect bites (particularly fleas), dust, or outdoor pollen. When she has an allergy, her skin more
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Health Insurance for Your Pet
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Health Insurance for Your Pet The value and necessity of pet insurance is a popular topic right now. With the advancement of veterinary technology, the cost of care for your best buddy is rising all the time. Pet insurance can help offset your costs to keep your pets healthy. Do you need pet insurance, and will it save you money? The answer is: maybe. Like our health insurance, it depends on which policy you buy and what it covers. Clearly, the more comprehensive the coverage, the higher the cost. Just like human health insurance, there are deductibles, reimbursement percentages, and maximum b more
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Does Your Dog Need a Pack Leader?
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Does Your Dog Need a Pack Leader? Pop psychology has told us this for years: your dog needs a strong pack leader. Is that actually true? The short answer is no, but it’s actually more complicated than that. First and foremost, most species have a social hierarchy, including domesticated dogs. Our dogs are often compared to a group of wolves; however, your dog is not a wolf, so the comparisons to how wolves behave are not valid. That being said, wolf researchers have found that wolves don’t actually live in packs at all; they live in family groups. Those groups have a hierarchy, but it’s the mo more
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Ouch, Did My Cat Just Bite Me?
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Ouch, Did My Cat Just Bite Me? Your cat may bite for many reasons; certainly she is trying to communicate something to you. It’s essential to figure out when and why a bite happens so you can avoid them in the future. Often, bites occur during petting or playing.  A common cat parent complaint is a sudden bite that seems to happen out of the blue. But is it actually that unexpected? Often these sorts of bites happen when you’re simply petting your kitty. It can be hard to tell when she has had enough, so try and learn her body language. For example, when she’s finished with stroking she m more
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Help, My Dog Eats Anything and Everything!
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Help, My Dog Eats Anything and Everything! Ask any vet; eating yucky or crazy things is a very common problem, and it’s not just a problem with puppies. Some dogs never seem to outgrow chewing (and swallowing) just about anything. If this describes your buddy, you are probably looking for a solution. Check-in with your vet to ensure there isn’t a medical reason for this behavior. If there isn’t, the answer is management and training. Management means keeping dangerous things away from your dog. Put the trash away (maybe in a closet or cabinet), pick up socks and shoes, put away batteries, ant more
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2022 New Year’s Resolutions – Again!
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
2022 New Year’s Resolutions – Again! Out with the old and in with the new! Are you ready? This year let’s focus on healthy pet resolutions (they will help humans too). Most of us are ready for renewed hope in 2022! Of course, for us people, just having a pet in our home is a great start since we know many of the health benefits. Studies show that pets lower our blood pressure, make us happier, and keep us moving. Let’s build on that! A healthy weight is as important for your pet as for us. Leaner is healthier. So let’s measure our pet’s food every time we feed them. It’s easy to more
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Thanksgiving Traditions That Include Pets
Lucy's Pet Care | In-Your-Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Service Blog
by Lucy Moore
3y ago
Thanksgiving Traditions That Include Pets We all have traditions that we’ve carried over from our families, but consider adding a few that include not only your guests but your pets too. How about a morning turkey trot? Get the turkey ready and in the oven, and round up your guests (and Fido) for a quiet morning walk. Back home, turn on the TV and watch the parade while your pets take a snooze. If the weather is good, how about a bit of backyard frisbee with the dog or an outdoor stroll in the garden with your cat in a harness? When it’s time to eat, get out your Kong treat for your pet more
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