Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
Sha Nacino is an author, speaker, and blogger. She took her Bachelor of Science in Business Economics in University of the Philippines, Diliman. Sha is the founder of the Philippines HR Newsletter, a bi-monthly newsletter that aims to inspire and take care of the HR professionals in the Philippines.
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
3y ago
Who are the 5 people you hang out with the most?
Jim Rohn said that you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most.
This message was similar to what I heard from my mentor Bo Sanchez.
This is why Mastermind is so important.
I remember when I was an employee.
I joined a seminar outside my company and met some friends.
We decided to form a mastermind.
Every week, we would meet up and talk about the latest personal development book we’re reading.
We’d share about our goals and dreams. We’d share about the seminars we wanted to attend.
At that time, most of us wer more
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
3y ago
I’m soooo excited to welcome the new members of Thrive University!
These were the questions sent to us via email.
Q: I’m not based in the Philippines. Can I still join?
A: Definitely! Everything is online, so you can join even if you’re from outside the Philippines. We have members from different countries and different time zones. Plus, the time of our LIVE Mastermind is usually 6:00PM PH/SG time. This is the most time-friendly schedule for those who are in the U.S., Australia, Canada, UAE, and other time zones.
Q: What if I miss the LIVE Masterclass? Will there be a record more
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
3y ago
2020 is over and the new year is on.
Do you want to make 2021 your best year ever?
I believe that each year keeps getting better and better. But it depends on how we spend our year.
Imagine it’s now December 31, 2021.
What would you like to see?
How would you like to see how 2021 unfolded?
Will you smile and say, “Wow! What a beautiful year 2021 was!”
It’s the first month of the year. Make it count!
Have you reviewed 2020 and see how you can bring what you learned and gained from 2020 to 2021?
Have you written down your goals for 2021 yet?
How do you set goals the right w more
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
3y ago
What do you do the moment you wake up?
Do you do this one crucial mistake of checking your phone for messages, emails, FB & IG as soon as you wake up?
When you do that, you let other people dictate your mood and agenda for the day.
You are most vulnerable and receptive early in the morning.
Imagine if the first thing you do is check your email, messages, and social media.
What if you see something that is not pleasant? Maybe an urgent email from your boss. That will put you in a state of panic or rush.
Maybe you saw something on social media that triggered your insec more
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
4y ago
Happy Wednesday!
While I was browsing FB last night, I came across my FB friends’ post about an 11-year old girl named Mary Grace.
This little girl Mary Grace handwrote a note that said, “2 Subscribers, Thank you!”
She even celebrated her 2 YouTube subscribers with cake, soft drinks, and fast food.
When I first saw the screenshot, I felt a pinch in my heart. My initial reaction was,
“Awwww… how innocent and how pure is this girl’s heart. She has 2 subscribers on YouTube and she really took the time to write a Thank You note, buy Coke and Mcdo, and prepare a small cake with candles.”
…followed more
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
4y ago
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
4y ago
Happy Monday!
How are you coping with the new normal?
Whether you continue to work from home today
or you need to get back to work in the office, take care!
Today, I’d like to talk about the gift behind complaints.
I remember the “me” before.
I was too shy, too introverted.
I’ve always been shy ever since I was young.
Even when I already became an author, I was still too shy.
When people approached me or talked to me, I wanted to hide. Huhu!
After I wrote my first book and my first few books, so many people
wanted to treat me to lunch or dinner or snacks.
Their reason? They wanted me to teach more
Seminar Philippines | Empowering you through Education
4y ago
Happy Monday!
How are you?
How do you feel these days?
By the way, I have a free eBook for you titled How to Make Your Dreams Come True. Details are in the P.S. of this email.
The past few weeks have been so busy for me.
I did four virtual keynotes last week.
Last Mother’s Day Sunday, we launched a new book (virtually).
Two weeks prior to that, my team and I hosted the HR Summit Global with over 10,000 participants from 32 countries.
On top of that, a number of my colleagues from the speaking community in the Philippines and globally messaged me, called me up, and emailed me. They sought m more