Kidstarter turns One! Journey of a Local Homeschool Resource during Covid-19 School Year
HomesCool | Philippines Homeschool Blog
by donnasimpao
4y ago
Who would have thought that in a span of 10 months, our Kidstarter Curious Curriculum would sell out? Launched last September 2019, in Educating for Life (EFL)’s , No Place Like Home Philippine Homeschool Conference, the Kidstarter Curious Curriculum was put together to address a growing need among homeschooling families. And yes, the launch with the timing, the setting, and even the plenary topic assigned to me as a speaker, “Homeschooling: A Privilege, A Vocation, and A Calling ” was perfect. Only God (and with the brains of another set of 4 women behind EFL) could have pulled that off. Aft more
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Blogging Again: Slowing Down and Taking It All In
HomesCool | Philippines Homeschool Blog
by donnasimpao
4y ago
My last post was about our Kidstarter Curious Curriculum journey –shared shortly after the launch in Educating for Life’s Philippine Homeschool Conference held in September 2019. After taking a 2-week break with an unforgettable trip to Spain and Portugal, I was back, ushering the Christmas season, attending to the growing Kidstarter Curious Curriculum community, and leading both Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands and Homeschoolers of the Philippines Community. The Courtyard of the Maidens in Alcazar, Seville, Spain Then comes 2020. 2020 I said was going to be different as I star more
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The Kidstarter® Curious Curriculum Journey
HomesCool | Philippines Homeschool Blog
by donnasimpao
5y ago
Homeschool and family life during the preschool years will always have a special place in my (mommy-teacher)heart and mind.  Oh, yes,  the years can be the most physically draining and patience-stretching but there is something magical about young children. Think of all those endless questions, the innocence, the “out-of-the-of mouth of babes” comments, the mess, the chubby hands and feet, and just the overflowing adoration and clinginess  of our little ones. And hey, I had all that and more 4x over. Indeed, my cup overfloweth! My youngest Gino at 2 years old:)Preschool Homeschool Classmates a more
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