Adrenaline Fatigue and The Love of God
A Lifestyle of Peace
1w ago
“Ortberg notes this about the inability to love: 1. The most serious sign of hurry sickness is a diminished capacity to love. Love and hurry are fundamentally incompatible. Love always takes time, and time is one thing hurried people don’t have (87). 2. The truth is look around at our society hurried people cannot love because they are always in a hurry! 3. Ortberg adds this thought about the hurry sickness (lack of patience syndrome): It is because it kills love that hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life. Hurry lies behind much of the anger and frustration of modern l more
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Peter walks on Water: Walking in Authority in Spiritual Warfare
A Lifestyle of Peace
2w ago
A friend of mine has been going through some very difficult things recently. He grew up on the streets, selling drugs, drinking, and for many years that was his life. He was on the run, causing trouble, messing around with life. But slowly, God got ahold of his heart. It took years and years. But it finally happened. He started attending a church in town, helping with the various ministries, bible study, men’s choir, and so on. And just recently he finally decided to get baptized. And as he came to the day, he faced attacks from the enemy, attempting to stop it from happening. Then the day more
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The Authority of the Believer in Spiritual Warfare
A Lifestyle of Peace
2w ago
"In Santa Cruz there's a strip called Pacific Avenue, and there's a number of bars. And I remember walking down Pacific Avenue, and it was getting a little rowdy. I remember seeing two burly guys getting out of control after having drank a bit too much. And there was a bouncer there who was trying to get things under control, but it wasn’t working, so they called the police. The police officer arrives and its a 4'11" female police officer. And I'm worried, how is she going to handle this? I could not have been more wrong, because I realized, the issue is not your size or your strength more
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A Guide to Spiritual Warfare
A Lifestyle of Peace
1M ago
"John Paton was a missionary in the New Hebrides Islands. One night hostile natives surrounded the mission station, intent on burning out the Patons and killing them. Paton and his wife prayed during that terror-filled night that God would deliver them. When daylight came they were amazed to see their attackers leave. A year later, the chief of the tribe was converted to Christ. Remembering what had happened, Paton asked the chief what had kept him from burning down the house and killing them. The chief replied in surprise, "Who were all those men with you there?" Paton knew no men were pres more
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Five Powerful Refutations Of Once Saved Always Saved
A Lifestyle of Peace
1M ago
Once saved always saved is a doctrine that permeates modern Christianity. But did you know that this doctrine didn't come about until the rise of John Calvin and Calvinism? Once saved always saved was not taught by the early church, or the church fathers. The doctrine didn't appear until the time just after the reformation.   Here are five excellent presentations that refute clearly the false doctrine of eternal security/once saved always saved.  1. John Bevere addresses the Issue 2. Once Saved Always Saved? Documentary by numerous Christian Leaders 3. Answering the Error&nb more
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King Herod's attempt to Prevent the Birth of the Messiah
A Lifestyle of Peace
1M ago
In his book, Science Speaks, Peter Stoner applies the modern science of probability to just eight prophecies regarding Christ. He says, "The chance that any man might have ...fulfilled all eight prophecies is one in 10 to the 17th. That would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000." (one hundred quadrillion) Stoner suggests that "we take 10 to the 17th silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the state 2 feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly... Blindfold a man and tell him he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pic more
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Shepherds seek the Newborn Jesus
A Lifestyle of Peace
2M ago
What was it like on the night when Jesus was born? Shepherds and flocks of sheep in the hills. It’s at night, probably very dark. I wonder what kind of night it was? Was it particularly cold? Was there dew settled on the ground? Were the sheep loud that night or were they eerily silent? Was it like one of those nights that make you feel like a blanket of darkness is wrapped around you and you feel oddly safe in the failing light? I bet it was just like that. I bet there was a sense of anticipation in the air, like the moment before a storm, when everything is charged with energy and pres more
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Joseph's Decision: The Pathway of Faith vs. the Pathway of Rebellion
A Lifestyle of Peace
2M ago
Do you like to write? I love to write. I wrote many different books, all of them while I was a non-believer. One story sticks out as something really unique. It was a story about the pursuit of wisdom. It was pictured as a young boy lost in a giant magical forest. And in it he was searching for the meaning of life. The boy was chasing an owl, and the owl led him into the enchanted forest. The owl was representative of the search for esoteric knowledge. I had been involved in the new age movement, and I was in search of that esoteric, hidden knowledge. And I pursued it diligently. But I w more
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Getting Ready for Judgment Day: Watching and Preparing for the most Important Day of your Life
A Lifestyle of Peace
2M ago
Have you ever known a prepper? I’ve known one or two in my life. Did you know that in the United States there are millions of preppers, estimates are anywhere from 20-25 million people in the USA are actively prepping themselves and their families for disasters in the future. In 2023 the New York post reported that Mark Zuckerberg creator of Facebook was building a 260 million dollar bunker in Hawaii. Millions prepare in different ways for disasters. And they are watchful of the times in which we live. They watch carefully the news coming out of Ukraine with the conflict there. They are w more
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Forgiveness: How to Forgive when it's Hard
A Lifestyle of Peace
3M ago
I remember growing up I was very close friends with my cousin Travis. We were best buddies. We would hang out together almost every day sometimes. We loved to play Madden. We’d play season after season of Madden. Other games as well. We would have sleep overs, talk for hours, and talk about the universe and why things were the way they were. But, Travis and I would sometimes get in an argument. And it would be intense. Then we would be mad at each other for months, even years. This happened several times. And it was always so hard. But, each time, eventually, we would meet up again, and a more
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