12 Things You Didn’t Know About The Kingsguard
A Blog Of Thrones
by Rosie Lewingdon
6y ago
The Kingsguard is a prestigious order that has been on going for hundreds of years. Their service is invaluable and has undeniably changed the course of history in Westeros. Here are fifteen facts about them that you may or may not know, but will certainly enjoy. Who Formed The Kingsguard? via HBO/Westeros The Kingsguard was formed during the reign of Aegon ‘The Conqueror’ Targaryen, the first Targaryen king to sit upon the Iron Throne. It was the suggestion of Visenya Targaryen, his sister and wife, that a group of royal bodyguards were formed after a Dornish assassin made an attempt on her a ..read more
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What If “Game Of Thrones” Was Cast In The 1970’s
A Blog Of Thrones
by Akkad47
6y ago
Whatif the greatest Television Series of recent times had been made in the 1970’s? Here are some casting choices. Share away your thoughts and/or improvements? Jack Nicholson – Ramsay Bolton via HBO Steve McQueen – Jaime Lannister via HBO Meryl Streep – Cersei Lannister via HBO Orson Welles – Tywin Lannister via HBO Burt Reynolds – The Hound via HBO Barbara Streisand – Melisandre via HBO Marlon Brando – Robert Baratheon via HBO Clint Eastwood – Ned Stark via HBO Al Pacino – Jon Snow via HBO Jodie Foster – Arya Stark via HBO Sophia Lauren – Catelyn Stark via HBO Michael Caine – Bronn via HBO Br ..read more
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15 Things You Didn’t Know About House Targaryen
A Blog Of Thrones
by Camila Servello
6y ago
Dragons, white hair, fire, and blood. If House Targaryen doesn’t come to mind when you read those words, you’re not a true fan of one of the biggest Houses to almost disappear in Westeros. House Targaryen has been diminished to nobody but just Daenerys (and now Jon Snow) and her two dragons at this point of the Game of Thrones universe (or at least in the TV series), but they were once a great force in Westeros and Essos. From fleeing their original home in Essos, to all the conquering, and to the almost-extinctions of their House and dragons, there’s a lot more to their history than the 7 se ..read more
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36 Ser Jorah “Friendzone” Mormont Memes To Make You LOL
A Blog Of Thrones
by Camila Servello
6y ago
Ser Jorah Mormont got kicked out of Daenerys’ team of advisors, banished from her sight twice, brought Tyrion Lannister to her – who is now her most cherished advisor and Hand of the Queen, and cured himself of Greyscale after she commanded him to, and he is still not lucky in love. Don’t lie, your heart hurt for him when he realized Daenerys and Jon Snow had something brewing in between them. But Jorah is not a perfect man – he got himself exiled from Bear Island and brought dishonor to his House, and then broke Daenerys’ trust when she learned he was a spy for King Robert Baratheon, telling ..read more
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