Online resources for humanism – Audiobooks
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
3y ago
I have been checking and updating some of this website’s links to online resources and thought it might be useful to post some regular reviews of the various links, promoting interesting items. I am starting here, with a look at audiobooks. Audiobooks are a great way to listen to stories, essays, lectures, discussions etc around the house or garden, in the car/train/bus, or on your daily walk or jog, from your phone, tablet, MP3 player, laptop or computer. Or save a selection of downloaded MP3 files to an audio CD for even more flexibility. I have recently been delving into Librivox‘s collecti more
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Update on Mohammed’s refuge status
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
3y ago
This is a follow-up post on local humanist, Mohammed Aly’s, prolonged fight for refugee status (see his post from 2019 here). Congratulations Mohammed. ”Unusual for the Home Office to concede like that.” These were the congratulations words I received from Amnesty UK when the fight was finally at an end It had taken four and a half years, going as far as the Court of Appeal, to finally arrive at this point: withdrawing the Home Office ‘incorrect’ refusal decision, exposing the ignorance of some immigration judges, and finally granting me refugee status. I believe that, in initial proceedings more
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Group closure
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
3y ago
As of January 2021, Oxford Humanists group has closed and this webpage is no longer connected to a local partner group of Humanists UK or affiliated to the National Secular Society. I am trying to keep the page going as a source of information, news, resources and updates of campaigns, events and activities, of interest or concern to humanists, atheists, skeptics and freethinkers, with particular focus on the Oxfordshire UK area. I continue to maintain a Twitter feed with similar focus (@oxhums) and my colleague, Teodora, runs the allied Facebook page (Humanism2019). There is also a mailing li more
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Oxford Humanists group closure
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
4y ago
With considerable regret, the administrative committee for Oxford Humanists has decided that it is time to begin the process of winding up the group. Over the coming weeks, the committee will be working on how best to effect closure and will keep members updated as things progress. Meanwhile, we intend to maintain the website as a humanist hub; providing information, resources, links, news, and event notifications of interest to local Humanists, Secularists, and Atheists. So keep your bookmark and stay connected for updates Please contact the webmaster here if you have any ideas for developmen more
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William Barr’s America vs. reality in 2020
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
4y ago
An interesting article in the Washington Post this week, by Max Boot, comparing the ‘well being’ of religious and secular societies across the world. Attorney General William P. Barr, a conservative Catholic, summed up the view from the right – that religion is under assault from secular liberals, and that the waning of faith is more
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Our secretary's interview for Canadian Atheist
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
5y ago
Our secretary, Graham Pierce, was recently ‘interviewed’ for the Canadian Atheist website, ie sent a set of questions to which he supplied written replies. The result can now be seen here. more
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‘Thought for the Day’
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Backupadmin
5y ago
South East London Humanists [SELHuG] have an ongoing campaign, asking the BBC to open up the Today Programme’s ‘Thought for the Day’ to non-religious ‘thinkers’. Their next monthly demo is on Tuesday 14th May, as usual outside BBC Broadcasting House Langham Street London. Demo’s are usually in the morning, to coincide with the broadcast; so more
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March 23rd now International Atheist Day
Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
5y ago
We missed it this year but, hopefully, secular humanist groups, local and national, can take note for future years to make 23rd March the day we loudly promote this declaration, endorsed by several international atheist groups : We atheists and atheist allies hereby declare that from now on, March 23rd is Atheist Day. We recognize more
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Oxford Humanists | Living ethically without religion
by Webmaster
5y ago
Latest news and interesting articles from the ACCORD newsletter. Note particularly: CAN YOU HELP ACCORD? We have much that is positive to report to you, and I would like to extend my grateful thanks to Steering Group members for their work and of course to you, our supporters. We have some challenges ahead which will more
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