442 FOLLOWERS is a sweary alcohol recovery blog that is written by mid-thirties ex-drinker Jon Turner. was launched in September 2016, to mark his first year of sobriety. Since its launch, Jon's blog has received praise for its honesty, wanking jokes, and non-patronizing approach to offering advice and support.
10M ago
Worldwide shipping available! Visit the shop HERE *** Join the discussions! Become part of the ‘SoberPunks Gang’ Facebook Community here. Wanna read my big wanky blog from the start? Click here. Show us some fuckin’ love by buying yourself a lovely SoberPunks T-shirt here more
2y ago
I’m the guy that quit drinking in 2015 and sailed through years of sobriety without so much as a wobble… I’m the guy that endlessly preached the benefits of a no-booze lifestyle to whoever would listen. Better skin, more money, sharper mind, no more bad decisions, better sex, effortless weight loss… I’m the guy that was so absolutely sure I’d found a good, positive, healthy way of quitting booze that I set up SOBERPUNKS GANG, a support group with thousands of thriving members, all working towards being better versions of themselves… I’m the guy that went to parliament and rallied for clearer a more
4y ago
VISIT THE NEW SHOP -> CLICK HERE YOU BASTARD Well, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on here. I’ve passed the 5 year booze-free mark now, so I’ve kind of run out of anything else useful to say about sobriety. Even my wanking stories are starting to dry up a bit. The good more
5y ago
That's a dangerous statement for anyone to make - let alone someone with a history of alcohol issues. It's the type of line that the phrase FAMOUS LAST WORDS was designed for; an incantation guaranteed to bring almost certain tragedy upon the utterer. Or in this case, mega-pissedness and the loss of ones trousers and phone more
5y ago
Man I fucking love Cancer Bats; a mental hardcore punk band, full of spunk and spitting, that are proud to call Toronto their home - albeit a fleeting home given the amount of time these stalwarts spend on tour more
5y ago
Sup! When I first started this blog, back in 2016 (at 1yr sober), my intention was always to take it beyond the boundaries of just my own experiences. One bloke’s perspective is fine for a while, but it can start to become stale for 2 main reasons: The path that you walk, through problem drinking more
5y ago
A couple of months back we went up north to my homelands to meet a couple of mates, and attend Slam Dunk Festival in Leeds - with some cool bands such as Cancer Bats and The Bronx (and a bizarre secret performance by sugar flavoured pop-punk wankers Busted). It was a cool festival; a very standard affair with stages and bands and lager and burger vans, but it was only a one-dayer so there was no camping, therefore no messy zombies staggering around after drinking meths and sleeping in mud for 3 days straight. We showed up, we danced, we ate pizza, we drank a cup of really weak tea that cost a more
5y ago
You guys might remember that a couple of years back I interviewed Mike Hodsall, bass guitarist extraordinaire for legendary Canadian punkers D.O.A, here on this very website (you can read the interview HERE). Well, since then Mike has pushed forwards fiercely with his sober-journey, and is currently within a pube-width of nailing his 3 year soberversary!! Mike is a fucking top dude, and as a proper balls-to-the-wall-punker-gone-sober-but-still-killing-it he's a genuine card-carrying authority on how to live life PROPERLY and with NO COMPROMISES. I'm therefore turbo-chuffed that Mike chose Sob more
6y ago
Picture the scene...
It's Monday evening, 17:30, and you've just joined the traffic on the M1 motorway to make your journey home after a fucking horrendous day at work. You spent the weekend hitting the booze hard (like Oliver Reed on his birthday hard), and as a result you're still hanging like a bastard, and the lack of proper sleep has made you cranky and irritable. Your stomach's rumbling because you stayed in bed this morning until the last possible moment, negating any possibility of you having time to pack your usual sad little cheese sandwich and bag of Seabrook Beefy, and your car's more
6y ago
This isn't really a proper blog post, but rather an invitation to join our new Facebook group SOBERPUNKS GANG.
The idea is simple - it's a group aimed solely at people who are either sober, or trying to get sober, and who need a place to connect with other people in the same boat. The group was set up a couple of weeks ago, and we already have over 200 members - with lots of good discussion and debate going on. Lot's of really REALLY terrible jokes and memes on there too more