A Fresh Direction
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
3w ago
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Behind the Veils
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
1M ago
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Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
1M ago
The post Polarity-Affinity-Alchemy appeared first on Cassandra Eve Astrology ..read more
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A Peak of Experience
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
2M ago
The post A Peak of Experience appeared first on Cassandra Eve Astrology ..read more
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In the Spotlight
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
2M ago
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Co-creating Connection
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
3M ago
Nature exists in a state of reciprocity, dynamic interchange that nourishes, sustains, and potentially grows life. We are no different, for we are nature. Our body-mind systems are in constantly changing relational states, endeavouring to maintain balance, harmony, and health on every level. In the astrological system as it relates to human development, Libra is the zodiac sign that represents relational states. Its symbol, the scales, stands for balance, harmony, fairness, justice, and the law. It’s where two individuals make active connection in a co-creative, potentially coopera ..read more
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Love & Let Go
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
3M ago
The New Moon at 14 Cancer emerges at 23.57BST on Friday 5 July. The Moon and her cycles symbolises our moment-to-moment connections and feelings… the ever-changing moods and nuances of a fast moving cycle, just as we see in the ocean tides. She’s a feature of how we know ourselves, our place in the world and with others, in every-day ways. New Moon offers us a symbolic benchmark in those tides, a temporary state of connecting individuality (the Sun) with ever-evolving human needs (the Moon). When it comes to the Moon’s own sign, Cancer, we’re called to explore our sense of self and wher ..read more
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What is Your Anchor?
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
3M ago
The watery ocean of Pisces, last sign of the zodiac, is a prominent energetic focus over this next week (as well as several years). Pisces is where all expression and forms dissolve into the great ocean of consciousness, to emerge as utterly new consciousness in Aries, zodiac sign of new beginnings. So many people are expressing to me lately that they feel something new coming in their lives, yet they can’t quite grasp it. Or they may know what it is, or its focus, but can’t ‘make it happen’. There’s a reason for this. We are in a long phase of endings and beginnings, personally an ..read more
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The Maturity to Know Oneself
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
4M ago
The Full Moon at 1 Capricorn rises at 02.07BST on 22 June Full Moons are times when the light of awareness is shining on both our more active outward energies and our inner self-connection. A time to be awake to an integration of opposing yet harmonising rhythms within. Through the polarity of Cancer & Capricorn (Sun Cancer/Moon Capricorn at this Full Moon), we find the axis of conscious parenting: emotional nurture and boundaries, caring through both kindness and tough love. Many of us did not receive conscious parenting. Being awake to this means that we are still learning ho ..read more
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Feedback Loops
Being Whole Woman | Astrology Blog
by Cassandra Eve
4M ago
The New Moon at 16 Gemini emerges at 13.37BST on Thursday 6 June What are you thinking? How are you communicating? With whom are you playing? What are you discovering and learning? Where are you scattered or distracted? These are Gemini themes. As the Moon activates her new cycle in this airy sign, several broader cycles are also set in motion. The qualities of your mind, its calling to discover & learn, express & communicate, are given a boost. The planet associated with Gemini is Mercury, known as the Messenger of the Gods. Mercury (aka Hermes) was the only deity in the G ..read more
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