Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
The Piecemakers: The Mahone Bay Quilters Guild of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
2y ago
In Like a Lamb?
Snowflake Quilt by Pam W.
Hopefully this photo of Pam W.'s Snowflake is the last we see of the white stuff for a while. According to the weather gurus, March came in like a lamb – nice and quiet. That might be true for the weather but certainly doesn't describe the level of activity in our Guild. Our activity level continues to stay more lion-like than something akin to a little lamb, don't you think?
Our regular weekly and biweekly lineup of slow stitching, sew socials, and other Zoom project groups continue to keep many of our Members busy and give the chance to connect. It more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
2y ago
What's not to love about February! OK, OK, besides the weather! This is the month that brings us Valentine's Day to remind us how much we care about friends and family. February is also the month when we see that first - very early - glimmer of spring. Days become longer - hey, it's still light at 5 pm and we know, with some certainty, that warmer days are right around the corner - well, almost. That's a good start. The anticipation of spring gets me moving from my winter slump and quilting ideas start to flow.
Our February meeting was a hit - 50 members of the Guild joined us on more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
2y ago
This winter, it seems that there is one snowy day after another. Road conditions and the cold temperatures are a great incentive to keep many of us comfy at home - and with covid still looming, there isn't really much going on anyway, is there?
However, sooner or later, it's nice to come up for air and venture outside. Perhaps a walk or some winter sports, or a necessary trip to the grocery store or pharmacy (or your favourite quilt shop), are what you choose as a break from your time indoors.
However, why not take a trip to the Margaret Hennigar Library in Bridgewater? If you've read more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
2y ago
Tis the season to be jolly - and to be oh, so busy baking, finishing up those last minute sewing projects and getting ready for Santa's visit. Hopefully, this rather tardy blog post finds you with everything done, wrapped and under the tree. Not even close at our house, but maybe at yours?
The Guild has had a busy month. For starters, we've had our usual offering of Slow Stitching, Sew Zoom, and Open Sew Social sessions. On December 6th, a number of our members braved the wind and rain and were rewarded with a fun and festive evening, along with some tasty treats. By all accounts, the Guild's more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
3y ago
Well, fall is in full swing - and so is our Guild! Looking for Christmas gift ideas? Or do you just need some sew time with quilting friends? If you read your newsletter, you already know about these - but just in case...
The Christmas Sew-cial on Saturday, November 13 will give you a headstart on Christmas sewing and other projects in your UFO pile. From 9:30 to 3:30, join in the sewing with free projects, and the company of quilting friends, to get you started. Download Christmas Sew-cial
Pepin Tote, designed by Anna Graham-Noodlehead, made by Eldora B.
On Thursday, November 18, join more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
3y ago
Sunflower runner by Sandra V.
It's October already and Thanksgiving is looming just around the corner. Hopefully, many of us will be able to spend the holiday weekend with family and/or friends. If that's not possible, at least enjoy the long weekend in this lovely fall weather or spend some time playing with fabric in your sewing room.
Our second meeting of the year took place Monday evening, October 4. This time, the meeting was entirely on Zoom amid increases in Covid cases in the province. The meeting was brief, in large part because we had already had the chance to enjoy this month more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
3y ago
As summer comes to an end, how great to be back to quilting and the start of Guild activities for the year.
Our new quilting year began this past week with our monthly Guild meeting, on Monday, September 13. This was a landmark for the Guild - our first hybrid meeting, combining a "mask-to-mask"meeting of about thirty, socially distanced members with Zoom attendance for those who could not be there in person. It went pretty well, actually. A few tweaks here and there, and we will have this new approach nailed and it will stand us well in these rather uncertain Covid times, b more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
3y ago
Have you made this quilt yet? It's on many quilting bucket lists and for good reason. The One Block Wonder is that perfect blend of easy and challenging, all in one fun quilt project. This is a reminder that the Guild is offering a two-day Zoom workshop so that you can make yours, just in time for Christmas, or to kickstart your fall-winter season of quilting.
There is a spot waiting for you in the first day of this two day Zoom workshop that begins next Friday, September 24 at 9 am. All you need is enough fabric for 7 pattern repeats, or in the quilt pictured above, 7 identical panels. Find more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
3y ago
Photo: Outdoor Quilt Day 2021 (Paton)
Well, summer is over but it has been fun. The Guild has continued to offer Slow Quilting and SewZoom sessions as well as the Facebook project groups over the summer months. Did you participate in our first ever Outdoor Quilt Day? We had great weather and perhaps inspired a smile or two as passersby took in the colourful displays.
And now, summer's over and the fall chill in the morning and evening has begun. I always loved the new school year - a brand new school bag, all those shiny new pencils, clean notebooks just waiting for me to dive in, that more
Mahone Bay Quilt Guild
3y ago
Beach Bracelets made by Peggy A.
Another quilting year has zoomed right past us (excuse the pun)!
In fact, it has been over one full calendar year since we resorted to Zoom as our replacement for in-person meetings and it has allowed our Guild to stay connected and to continue sharing our quilting experiences during a challenging time. Nonetheless, everyone is waiting with tightly crossed fingers, hoping that we will be able to get together in person in the fall.
The last meeting of the year was held June 7th - our Annual General meeting. Please check your newsletter to read this year's more