Jen McDonald Blog
As a milspouse of nearly 30 years, I'm also now the mom of an active duty son. We've been through what many military families go through: years of separation due to deployments and TDYs, frequent relocations, separation from extended family, hoping we're doing right in raising our military kids...all of it. Here you will find Hope & humor for military families, raising military..
Jen McDonald Blog
2y ago
Image from Unsplash
This post was originally published on MilitaryByOwner. Used with permission.
Since I wrote this in 2018, so much has happened. COVID, of course! Add that to the normal pressures of military life or a situation like moving overseas, and it can all seem overwhelming. Doesn’t it seem silly to even consider setting goals or making a New Year’s resolution as a military spouse? Maybe so.
But there’s something about a new year that calls for reevaluation, for setting priorities. So I will challenge you to yes, take a look at what’s working, what’s not, change what you need to, an more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
We're not the first generation to go through this, by any means. Yet with less than 1% of Americans serving in the military, it can sometimes feel that way. Military life can be very lonely and this is never more true than when you're facing the holidays with your husband or wife deployed, away for training, or on a remote assignment.
(Of course, we don't have a corner on holidays alone and one benefit of going through this several times has made me more mindful of the single parents, first responders, and families abroad who won't be with family or "home for the holidays more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
Image from Getty Images
Note: This post is part of my Milspouse Stories project, which will be released in book form. For now, I’m sharing some of these stories with you.
Alice Coffman has brought me a gift. When I later fill the mug she’s given me with hot water and watch the brown surface melt into bright blue flowers and multicolored leaves, the color-changing mug reminds me of the preceding days I’d spent at the Bob Hope Village: vibrant, full of life and surprises.
While you might expect a retirement home to be subdued or sad, that’s not the case here. Life abounds. These Bob HopeVillag more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
I stood on tiptoe at the edge of the crowd, craning to see my girls march out with their Irish Dance group at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. My husband had recently deployed, and both of my older teens were at their after-school jobs. As I often did, I stood alone, solo parent style.
Suddenly, my friend Laurie appeared at my elbow. “Are we too late??” she asked breathlessly. Stunned, I looked past her to see her husband and another friend Susie, who was accompanied by her husband. Tears sprang to my eyes as I made room for them. Speechless for once, I looked at more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Homefront Pumps. All opinions are my own.
“But what am I supposed to do without you?”
As my mom finished packing her bag before heading to the airport, I started crying, while she hushed and comforted me. One mother holding her child-- me-- while I held my own infant son. I couldn’t fathom trying to take care of a baby by myself. Not yet. Overwhelmed would aptly describe my feelings in that moment.
I knew she had to leave, but my mom’s help for the weeks after giving birth to my first child had been so invaluable and welcome. Sh more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
I am not hustling, and I’m probably not crushing it.
I posted this on Instagram recently, and it seemed to resonate with a lot of others.
I was just reading an article talking about how people are feeling very burnt out during this pandemic, because the lines between work and home are so blurred for many right now.
Never mind being responsible for schooling kids while getting used to new work from home situations with none of the fun parts of it! (ok, well maybe pajama pants ☺️).
I’ve worked from home for years, but I’m also feeling a bit weary with all the changes to my regular routine the more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aeroflow. All opinions are my own. Seek medical advice before using any of the products mentioned.
One of the most downloaded episodes of my Milspouse Matters Podcast is Episode 28, Self-Care and Wellness for Military Spouses: Permission to Take Care of YOU! In it, Ashley Gammon, a women’s health coach and personal trainer, talks about issues affecting women’s health, especially in the postpartum period. She shares practical tips for building pelvic floor and core strength, dealing with diastasis recti, and and how to keep your own heal more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
Whether you're intentional about celebrating holidays or simply keep certain traditions because that's the way your family has always done it, Putting God Back in the Holidays: Celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Birthdays and 12 Other Special Occasions with Purpose is a book that can bring new life into your holiday celebrations.
Written by Bill and Penny Thrasher, this book covers all the major holidays and even several minor ones (Arbor Day, anyone?), with thorough coverage given to Christmas and Thanksgiving (there are 77 pages devoted to these two holidays alone).
E more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
I've heard it said that benign neglect is worse than abuse. I'm not sure I believe that, but having experienced neither, I really can't say for sure.
Still, I do know friends and even family members who've been rejected by their own parents. As a parent myself, I can't fathom turning my back on one of my children. As a child, I can only imagine the pain.
Tonight, those of you going through this are on my heart. I may not know your situation, but God does. He hears. He sees.
I learned this verse in Bible class growing up, and it always struck me to think of God delighting over me. Singing over more
Jen McDonald Blog
3y ago
Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash
This week, I am pleased to bring you a guest post from Heather over at Challenge Coins, Ltd., a company specializing in unique and custom made military challenge coins. She's tackling a tough topic--support for military spouses dealing with the effects of PTSD.
As someone whose extended family was devastated by the fallout and effects of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), I know this isn't an issue for which there is a quick fix, and I also realize you can't make someone seek help. That's why it's so important to take care of yourself and your fami more