Tip: Being more productive in Discord
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
1w ago
This is a brief demo of how to quickly catch up on messages in Discord, so you can be sure you don't miss anything. This is a little experiment in starting to record some short-form videos. I hope it's useful to some of you ..read more
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FastHTML advapp.py walkthru - - Answer.AI dev chat #6
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
2w ago
In this Answer.AI dev chat, Jeremy walks Hamel through the comprehensive FastHTML to-do list application `examples/adv_app.py`. Key features demonstrated: user authentication, database handling with FastLite, routing, JS integration, HTML generation, and HTMX integration. The application uses Pico CSS for styling and includes drag-and-drop functionality. App URL: https://github.com/AnswerDotAI/fasthtml/blob/main/examples/adv_app.py ..read more
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How HTMX is changing the web, with Carson Gross
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
1M ago
We recently released FastHTML (https://fastht.ml ), which endeavors to reinvent how web applications are built. It's heavily based on the work of Carson Gross, so I interviewed him. It was one of the most fascinating interviews I've ever done. I truely believe Carson is a genius, and that his HTMX (https://htmx.org/ ) project is a work of genius. I put it to him that HTMX was "discovered, not invented"---i.e that he has unearthed in it something deeper within the hypermedia system itself; Carson agreed with that view. HTMX is an emerging technology that promises to simplify web development. It ..read more
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AI Pictionary - Answer.AI dev chat #5
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
1M ago
This dev chat is actually from July 4th, but we weren't able to release it at that time since FastHTML wasn't out yet. In this chat Johno shows us the very cool Pictionary app he built with FastHTML to test it out ..read more
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FastHTML first look - Answer.AI dev chat #4
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
1M ago
This dev chat is actually from May 30th, but we weren't able to release it at that time since FastHTML wasn't out yet -- it's the first time I (Jeremy) showed some of my colleagues my first proof of concept version of FastHTML ..read more
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Intro to FastHTML
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
1M ago
FastHTML (https://fastht.ml ) is a new framework for creating pure Python modern interactive web applications ..read more
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Getting started with FastHTML
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
1M ago
And end-to-end walkthru of creating and deploying a complete web application in Python using FastHTML (https://fastht.ml ..read more
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Pythonrunscript - Answer.AI dev chat #3
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
2M ago
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The Fastlite DB library - Answer.AI dev chat #2
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
3M ago
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Claudette source walk-thru - Answer.AI dev chat #1
Jeremy Howard
by Jeremy Howard
3M ago
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