React Summit 2024: Why Use Redux Today?
Mark's Dev Blog
2w ago
I had the chance to speak at both React Connection Paris in April and React Summit Amsterdam in June, and at both conferences I gave a talk on "Why Use Redux Today?". Both of those had the same core content, but I tweaked and updated the slides for React Summit. Why Use Redux Today? - video and the earlier livestream: Why Use Redux Today? - livestream And here's the slides: Why Use Redux Today? - slides more
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React Summit US 2023: What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
Mark's Dev Blog
9M ago
I gave a lightning talk at React Summit US, and did a quick run-through of what's changing in RTK 2.0. I've linked the livestream at the right timestamp for now, and will link the final video when it's live. What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0 - video And here's the slides: What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0 - slides (and totally unrelated to my talk, had the chance to lead a Carnival Parade of costumed characters as part of Kathleen McMahon's demonstration of "why you should never include a carousel in your design system!") Kathleen McMahon: Carnival!!! - video more
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React Rally 2023 - A (Brief) Guide to React Rendering Behavior
Mark's Dev Blog
1y ago
My extensive post "A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior" is the most popular and widely appreciated post I've written. After the recent updates to cover React 18, it's now around 10,900 words long! I recently had a chance to give a talk based on that post for React Advanced in 2022 and React Rally in 2023. React Rally 2023 I'll link the video once it's available. A (Brief) Guide to React Rendering Behavior - slides React Advanced 2022 A (Brief) Guide to React Rendering Behavior - video And here's the slides: A (Brief) Guide to React Rendering Behavior - slides more
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Blogged Answers: My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM
Mark's Dev Blog
1y ago
Table of Contents Introduction Redux Packages Background Packages and Configurations Issue History Early Attempts Migrating to Vitest Initial Alpha Testing Researching Better Configuration Setting Up CI Checks for Packaging Initial CI Setup Are The Types Wrong? Packaging Updates, Round 2 Switching Build Tooling UMD Build Artifact Changes Webpack 4 Compat Immer 10 Beta TypeScript Declarations Round 2 Results Other Package Updates Updating Immer's Packaging Problems with Next.js and React Server Components Venting Final Thoughts Where Do Things Stand Today? Lessons and Takeaways Fu more
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Presentations: Debugging JavaScript
Mark's Dev Blog
1y ago
In mid-2021 I had the chance to do a talk on "Debugging Software" for a meetup hosted by In 2022, I did an updated "Debugging JS" version of the talk for ThisDot Media's "JS Drops" video series. I previously did a post on Debugging Tips, where I listed some quick tips for thinking about debugging, and recapped the stories of several interesting bugs I ran into and solved. I later had a chance to present this talk at React Summit 2023 in Amsterdam. This talk was based on that post, and covers: Concepts and principles for thinking about debugging, as well as some additional tips Sp more
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Presentations: 2022 Podcasts
Mark's Dev Blog
1y ago
I had the opportunity to talk on a number of different podcasts and interviews over the course of the year. I've gathered them here as a directory. ThisDot / Tracy Lee: How to Contribute to Redux Tracy Lee is a prolific podcaster, and her company ThisDot creates numerous shows related to the JS ecosystem. She had me on as part of a new "How to Contribute..." series, where I talked about ways to contribute to the Redux libraries. Kevin Ghadyani: Redux vs React Context Kevin and I have done a couple long-form video discussions in the last couple years more
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Reactathon 2022: The Evolution of Redux Async Logic
Mark's Dev Blog
2y ago
I've spoken at Reactathon in past years, and this year I had the chance to give a pre-recorded talk. I also ended up giving the same talk live as well after filling in as a backup speaker. My talk looked at why we use middleware for side effects in Redux, the major libraries (thunks, sagas, observables), why we've recommended thunks, introduces RTK Query and the "listener" middleware, and gives our current recommendations for what tools to use in different scenarios today. The Evolution of Redux Async Logic - slides The video should be online in the next few weeks, and I'll link it here once i more
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TS Congress 2022: Lesson from Maintaining TS Libraries
Mark's Dev Blog
2y ago
I had the opportunity to give a talk at the first-ever Typescript Congress virtual conference. My talk went over a variety of things I've learned working on the TypeScript aspects of the Redux libraries over the last few years. I covered things like different ways to include types when publishing, approaches for versioning public types APIs, supporting multiple TS versions, debugging and testing types, and some wacky examples of actual types from our libraries. Lessons from Maintaining TS Libraries - slides The video should be online in the next few weeks, and I'll link it here once it's avail more
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Codebase Conversion: Migrating a MEAN AngularJS app to React, Next.js, and TypeScript
Mark's Dev Blog
2y ago
Intro In March of 2020, I was reassigned to lead a team building an internal metrics dashboard. This app was built as a classic MEAN project, with a client built using AngularJS 1.x. After I joined the team, I wrote a post recapping how I modernized the codebase by building the AngularJS client with Create-React-App. I also switched package management from NPM+Bower over to Yarn 1.x, switched client tests from Karma to Jest, and was able to use react2angular to begin building new features using React + TypeScript in the middle of the legacy client. Since then, we've continued to modernize all more
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Blogged Answers: The Evolution of Redux Testing Approaches
Mark's Dev Blog
3y ago
Introduction I was just asked a question about how testing works for Redux applications: For a beginner front-end developer, what would you expect them to know about Redux testing? (techniques and patterns specifically) What - if any - tools are industry-standard for Redux testing? I've seen some tutorials using redux-mock-store, fetchMock, redux-testkit, redux-action-assertions, etc. I ended up writing an extended response about the history of testing Redux apps, the two major styles of testing that I've seen, and how those approaches have evolved over time - clearly worthy of being r more
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