Explaining ADHD to Your Child: A Parent’s Guide
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
1w ago
As a parent, receiving an ADHD diagnosis for your child can be both a relief and a challenge. One common question that arises is whether you should tell your child about their ADHD diagnosis and, if so, how to approach the conversation. It’s essential to handle this with care, ensuring that your child understands their condition in a way that is empowering and age appropriate. Why You Should Tell Your Child About Their ADHD One of the primary reasons to inform your child about their ADHD diagnosis is to help them become aware of their own distractibility and impulsivity. This self-awareness is ..read more
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Boosting Focus in Children with ADHD: The Power of Movement
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
1M ago
As a parent or caregiver of a child with ADHD, you might often find yourself searching for non-medical strategies to help them manage their symptoms. My top recommendation? Encourage them to move. Exercise is not just beneficial for physical health; it’s a powerful tool for mental well-being, especially for children with ADHD. The Science Behind Movement and ADHD Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators. But the benefits don’t stop there. Physical activity also boosts levels of crucial neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. These c ..read more
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Why Are Psycho-Educational Assessments So Expensive?
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
1M ago
Psycho-educational assessments are invaluable tools that help identify learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and other cognitive and emotional issues affecting a child’s educational performance. However, many parents and guardians are often taken aback by the high costs associated with these assessments. Understanding why these assessments are expensive can provide insight into their value and the intricate processes involved. The Expertise of Professionals One of the primary reasons psycho-educational assessments are costly is the expertise require ..read more
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Supporting a Neuro-Divergent Child’s Needs
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
2M ago
Supporting a neuro-divergent child, whether as a parent, teacher, or therapist, can be challenging, especially when it comes to addressing unwanted behaviors. However, there’s an important mindset shift that can make a significant difference: instead of focusing on changing the behavior, focus on understanding and supporting the underlying need behind it. Behavior is often a form of communication, especially for neuro-divergent children. When a child is fidgeting, stimming, or being overly clingy, they are expressing a need. It could be a need for sensory stimulation, a safe space, or more one ..read more
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How To Build Habits That Last: A Neuroscience Hack
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
2M ago
When it comes to building habits that last, many of us fall into the trap of thinking it’s all about discipline. We believe we need to force ourselves into new behaviours, grit our teeth, and muscle through the discomfort. But what if I told you there’s a neuroscience hack to building habits that actually stick? Enter dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and reward in our brains. When we find something enjoyable, dopamine floods our system, reinforcing the behaviour and signaling our brain to adapt accordingly. It’s this adaptation, the rewiring of our brain connections, tha ..read more
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Understanding the Crucial Role of Eye Tracking in Academic Success
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
2M ago
Eye tracking is fundamental to a child’s academic journey, and it’s vital for parents and teachers to comprehend its significance and how to identify potential issues. Often underestimated, problems with eye tracking can pose a silent threat to academic achievement, even in children with perfect vision. Eye tracking involves the smooth coordination of the eyes, both together and individually, as they track, converge, and diverge. For example, when transitioning from reading a book to looking at the blackboard, these movements should occur seamlessly. Difficulties in any of these aspects can le ..read more
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Empathy and Autism: in children and how to recognise when a child has autism and how to be empathetic to a child struggling with autism
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
3M ago
Since the early days of autism research, misconceptions and stigmas have clouded our understanding of the condition. One such misconception, the “refrigerator mother theory,” wrongly accused mothers of autistic children of being cold and uncaring. Though this theory has long been debunked, its damaging effects linger in the collective consciousness, contributing to misunderstandings about autism and empathy. Contrary to popular belief, autistic children do experience love and affection. However, their expression and reception of these emotions may differ due to sensory sensitivities, communica ..read more
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Encouraging Your Child to Read More: Effective Strategies for Parents
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
4M ago
Unlocking the Joy of Reading: Strategies for Parents In today’s digital age, enticing children away from screens and into the pages of a book can be a daunting task for parents. However, instilling a love for reading in your child is not only achievable but also incredibly rewarding. Let’s explore some effective strategies to encourage your child to read more and reap the countless benefits that come with it. The Digital Dilemma: Balancing Screen Time and Reading With the allure of smartphones, tablets, and video games, it’s no surprise that children are spending more time glued to screens tha ..read more
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Nightmares vs. Night Terrors: Deciphering Sleep Disturbances in Children
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
4M ago
As parents, we’re often confronted with the challenges of understanding and addressing our children’s sleep disturbances. Two common phenomena that can disrupt their rest are nightmares and night terrors. While they might seem similar at first glance, they are distinct experiences with different causes and implications. Let’s delve into the disparities between nightmares and night terrors to equip you with the knowledge needed to support your child’s peaceful slumber. What are Nightmares? Nightmares are vivid and disturbing dreams that occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, typically in ..read more
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Nightmares vs. Night Terrors: Deciphering Sleep Disturbances in Children
Childpsych Blog
by 1gridadmin
5M ago
As parents, we’re often confronted with the challenges of understanding and addressing our children’s sleep disturbances. Two common phenomena that can disrupt their rest are nightmares and night terrors. While they might seem similar at first glance, they are distinct experiences with different causes and implications. Let’s delve into the disparities between nightmares and night terrors to equip you with the knowledge needed to support your child’s peaceful slumber. What are Nightmares? Nightmares are vivid and disturbing dreams that occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, typically in ..read more
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