Coach Debbie Runs
I'm Debbie. Let's chat about running. Whether it's about training, racing, or race recaps, I like nothing better than sharing my thoughts and listening to yours. I'm an RRCA certified running coach and personal trainer.
Coach Debbie Runs
4M ago
It’s Our Anniversary! I originally wrote this 10 years ago! Today is our 25th anniversary but most of what’s here still applies. I did not run the Tram Road Challenge this year (and Alan didn’t announce it) but everything else still stands. Fifteen years ago today, my husband Alan and I woke up at about […]
- Running tips, workouts, plant based recipes for a healthy life - Coach Debbie Runs ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
5M ago
It’s that time of year again! Prime Day is just around the corner on October 8 and 9 and I hope you’re as excited as I am. Today let’s talk about some great self-care deals from Bob and Brad. This post is sponsored by Bob and Brad. It contains affiliate links. I have been following […]
- Running tips, workouts, plant based recipes for a healthy life - Coach Debbie Runs ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
5M ago
You haven’t started your fitness program yet. Or you started it, lasted a few weeks, then quit. You know you should stick with it. You’ve heard the benefits. Plus you hate starting over every time. So, what’s your excuse? Oh, and try to be original with your exercise excuses. As a personal trainer and coach, […]
- Running tips, workouts, plant based recipes for a healthy life - Coach Debbie Runs ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
8M ago
I recently had the chance to try out the Bob and Brad D5 Pro Massage Gun. I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to review many different massage guns so I really know what I look for before I recommend one to my readers.
I received the Bob & Brad D5 Pro Massage Gun in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
If you're looking for a massage gun that meets your needs, check out my review of the @realbobandbrad D5 Pro Massage Gun before you buy. #massagegun #massagegunreview #adClick To Tweet
Here are a few things that I look for in a ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
10M ago
If you have followed my misadventures on Instagram, you know that I’m on a journey to improve my running. At 66, that doesn’t mean I’m looking to make any new PRs. Nope, it means that I am working to Stop the Shuffle.
Lately (like the last few years) I find myself falling way too often. Last June I tripped on a sidewalk crack and landed hard on the concrete. I did the same thing several weeks ago (same leg, same wound over the same scars). I was fortunate that nothing was broken but it was painful and took several weeks to get back to running.
This post is sponsored by adidas.
Stop the Shuffl ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
1y ago
Ah, the marathon. Twenty six point two miles of wonder, joy, and things waiting to go wrong. It’s hard to have a perfect race, but there are some things (in addition to following your training plan) that you can do to make your experience as successful as possible. Start by avoiding these common marathon mistakes (that even the pros sometimes make).
The Top 5 Marathon Mistakes (and how to avoid them)
1. Skipping Aid Stations
Marathon Mistake #1: Skipping Aid Stations. It was October 1999, in St. George, Utah. I was running the St. George Marathon. I was in great shape. I had tra ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
1y ago
Today, we’re talking about lactate threshold runs. They are also called tempo runs. Tempo runs can help you run faster, and help you sustain that speed for a longer period of time. Here is my favorite tempo workout.
This post is sponsored by adidas.
Your lactate threshold is the point at which your body cannot keep up with processing the lactic acid it produces during hard exercise and responds by needing to slow down. This type of workout usually involves slightly longer intervals than the VO2 Max workouts, run at a slightly slower pace, your lactate threshold pace. This is a little s ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
1y ago
With Black Friday just ahead of us (or already here according to the multitude of emails that I get), there are many Runners Gift Guides out there to get fun and fresh ideas. Well, here’s another but for this Runners Gift Guide, I wanted to share the Gift of Recovery. Here are some of my favorite recovery tools that I think will make a great gift for any runner.
This post contains affiliate links. Plus note that many of the prices will get even lower on Black Friday.
Runners Gift Guide: Give the Gift of Recovery Give the runner in your life the gift of recovery with this Runners Gift Guide ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
1y ago
Half marathons are a popular distance for runners looking to challenge themselves without committing to the full 26.2 miles. However, completing a half marathon is no small feat, and proper recovery is essential to prevent injury and ensure future success. Recovery after a half marathon is crucial to allow the body to repair and rebuild, and to prevent common injuries such as muscle strains and stress fractures.
There are several steps that can be taken to aid in half marathon recovery. Immediately following the race, it is important to continue moving to prevent stiffness and aid in the remo ..read more
Coach Debbie Runs
1y ago
If you follow me on Instagram you probably know that I had cortisone shots in both of my arthritic knees a couple of weeks ago (or, since I’m counting, 12 days as of today).
My Arthritic Knees
And if you know me, you also probably know that I’ve been whining complaining about my arthritic knees for years. While I’ve always been quick to point out that they didn’t hurt when I ran, they did hurt when I squatted below a certain level (or tried to stand up again). Lunging was almost out of the question (though I tried). And they are noisy! Clicks and pops when I move in certain ways (not always a ..read more