Book Recommendation System Machine Learning Project
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
1y ago
With this Machine Learning Project, we build a book recommendation system. For this project, we will be using the KNearst Neighbor algorithm. So, let’s build this system. Book Recommendation System When selling goods online,... The post Book Recommendation System Machine Learning Project appeared first on DataFlair more
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Earthquake Prediction using Machine Learning
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
1y ago
With this Machine Learning Project, we will build an earthquake predictor using machine learning algorithms. For this project, we will use a Random forest Classifier, Support Vector Classifier, and Gradient Boosting Algorithm to predict.... The post Earthquake Prediction using Machine Learning appeared first on DataFlair more
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Pneumonia Detection using CNN in Python
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
2y ago
With this Machine Learning Project, we are going to build a pneumonia detection system. This system will be used to detect whether a person has pneumonia or not. This system will take input as... The post Pneumonia Detection using CNN in Python appeared first on DataFlair more
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Pan Card Fraud Detection using Python & OpenCV
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
Nowadays frauds are everywhere. From cyber technology to legal documents, everywhere is fraud. So here, we’re going to build a pan card fraud detection project using Computer Vision with OpenCV – Python and Deep... The post Pan Card Fraud Detection using Python & OpenCV appeared first on DataFlair more
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How to Remove Background of Images in Python?
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
In the era of video calling, sometimes we don’t want to broadcast our background space for some reason. That’s why video calling applications include a feature that hides the background and places another image... The post How to Remove Background of Images in Python? appeared first on DataFlair more
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Sudoku Solver using OpenCV & Python
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
We all played sudoku at least once in our childhood. It is a very interesting puzzle game. In this project, we’re going to build a sudoku solver program using OpenCV. It detects a sudoku... The post Sudoku Solver using OpenCV & Python appeared first on DataFlair more
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Abandoned Object Detection in Video Surveillance using OpenCV
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
Automated video surveillance systems gain huge interest for monitoring public and private places. During the last few years abandoned object detection is a hot topic in the video surveillance community. Abandoned Object Detection systems... The post Abandoned Object Detection in Video Surveillance using OpenCV appeared first on DataFlair more
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Iris Flower Classification Project using Machine Learning
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
Machine learning is almost everywhere nowadays. It’s become more and more necessary day by day. From the recommendation of what to buy to recognizing a person, robotics, everywhere is machine learning. So in this... The post Iris Flower Classification Project using Machine Learning appeared first on DataFlair more
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Object Tracking with Camshift using OpenCV
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
Object tracking is defined as a problem of locating a moving object over time in a video or in a real-time camera feed. Nowadays object tracking technology is used in various fields such as... The post Object Tracking with Camshift using OpenCV appeared first on DataFlair more
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YouTube Recommendation System – Machine Learning Project with Source Code
DataFlair | Machine Learning
by DataFlair Team
3y ago
Every major e-commerce or entertainment website recommends products to you based on various factors. Like how youtube, netflix recommends movies and shows to you or how amazon shows you products that it thinks you... The post YouTube Recommendation System – Machine Learning Project with Source Code appeared first on DataFlair more
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