Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
Infrared photography and ghost hunting specialist. Find Ghost Hunting equipment Infrared, Full Spectrum and Night Vision cameras for Photography and Ghost Hunting, UFO Sighting and Paranormal Research.
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
3y ago
Infraready Paranormal UK – At position 28, I’m made up to share that I’ve appeared alongside so many great individuals within the paranormal field. Well done to everyone.
Read more at https://www.higgypop.com/news/most-influential-in-the-paranormal/
The post Infraready named amongst the most influential active members of the paranormal field in the UK! appeared first on Ghost Hunting Equipment by Infraready ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
We sell a wide range of IR illuminators which complement any full spectrum device, allowing stills and movies to be taken in complete darkness. The effective range of illuminators can vary depending on several factors including your device, the type of illuminator used, the conditions and whether you are indoors or outdoors. When indoors, the range of an illuminator in small to medium sized rooms will bounce of surfaces and increase its effectivity. To give you a good idea of how our illuminators perform, we have paired one of our Full Spectrum Modified camcorders with two ty ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
During February 2020 we sent out several prototype trials of our new radar movement detecting X-Pod. Amongst the first successful field trails was feedback from Danny Moss or the Haunted Hunts. the following movie clip was filmed at Tatton Hall on 14.02.20.
Thanks to Danny for sharing this footage with us.
For an opportunity to test our future prototype ghost hunting equipment, please keep an eye on our news of upcoming release on our YouTube Channel.
In return for testing our prototypes, all we ask for is a video such as that Danny has provided below giving an honest revie ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
You’ve possibly seen our tutorial video showing you how to add sound to your KII meter. Its a tricky but easy enough mod to add a chirping noise to one of the most well known pieces of equipment used for ghost hunting and seeking out EMF.
Importing all of KII meters directly from KII Enterprises means that we only stock genuine KII devices and are only one of two companies within the UK that do. The majority of KII meters found on Ebay are a fraction of the cost but unfortunately fake! Another benefit of buying our KII meters directly from KII is that all of our latest stock of K-II me ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
Help! My House Is Haunted S2 Equipment included several devices from Infraready Ghost Hunting Equipment Store.
Barri Ghai, Jayne Harris and Chris Fleming get the second series underway investigating several houses located around the UK.
The international team of paranormal experts meet up with the owners of various haunted house, during which several of our devices were used.
The series, created by Zak Bagans, can be seen on the Really channel.
The Infraready REM TEMP being used by Barri Ghai
Our very own Infraready Spirit Portal alongside Chris, Barri and Jayne.
The Team Si ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
#Paraunity At The Village Mansfield With Infraready, Lee Roberts and Ryan Griffiths of The Hauntings, Ash Buckenham, Mark Williams and Kate Ray of The Ghostfinder Paranormal Society, Miki York, Andy Bavington of TeamSpiritz, Cee n Dee, Fox Trot Oscar, Kelly J Ellis and Ness, The Hauntings, Ross and Team From Wednesbury Paranormal And A Host Of Amazing Guests. An not forgetting Spooks and Crooks who was recording their latest Podcast.
So how could I let the #Paraunity opportunity pass? Ash Buckenham had arranged a ~Paraunity events at the Village, Mansfield. A Haunted Location managed by t ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
Haunted Live Host Some Amazing Ghost Hunts Around The UK, One Location Which They Frequent Is Bosworth Hall.
The Group members are Jason, Simon, Andy And Paul, While I have written an article for the Haunted Magazine, I have never had the opportunity to meet the team until late.
The https://www.haunteddigitalmagazine.com/
I have supplied Paul with Equipment on past occasions to test out in the field for the live stream sessions. I was delighted when Paul contacted me again earlier in 2019 regarding an opportunity to test out more ghost hunting equipment built by Infraready and a req ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
Tom Buckmaster is well known for his work in the extremely popular online TV series Haunted Finders and is also a Professional Tarot Reader.
Toms Facebook profile can be found below.
Tom and The Haunted Finders Team Will Be Using An SLS Camera Built By Infraready In Their Upcoming Series At Various Locations Around The UK During the Summer Of 2019.
Our Wide Range Of V1 and V2 Kinext SLS Stickman Cameras Have Been A Massive Hit With Investigators Around The Globe Along With Our Spirit Portals And Extensive Range Of Pr ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
Visage Paranormal have chosen to support the Andy’s Man Club Charity in 2019.
Why the Andy’s Man Club charity?
Infraready have decided to support this charity as it is very close to one of our team members hearts and we will be supplying some great ghost hunting equipment for the team to raffle off. They have a very personal reason for us supporting this charity. The team member themselves will be participating in fund raising activities this year so we thought it would be good idea to support his efforts by doing this as well. Let’s see if we can raise quite a bit of money for this wort ..read more
Infraready – Infrared Camera & Ghost Hunting and UFO Store
5y ago
We Stock An Extentise Range Of Haunted Dolls and Teddy Bears for Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigation.
Each Of Our Haunted Dolls Are Fitted With Single Or Combined Electronic Circuits to Sense The Presence Of Static, EMF and REM Proximity.
Haunted Dolls Are A Great Tool For Stimualting Interaction And Activity During Paranormal Investigation, Call and Response Techinques Can Be Used Simply To See If A Connection To Spiritual Activity Can Be Used To Trigger The LED Idicators Or Audible Alarms.
When Left In Isolation Or In A Locke Off Area, Our Full Spectrum Camcorders Can Left Re ..read more