[VODCAST] "Your Story" series | Gunther Verheyen's story
Scrum.org Blog
by Mehdi Hoseini
3h ago
“Your Story” is a vodcast (video cast) series hosted by PST, Mehdi Hoseini, with the mission of sharing the professional life story of Professional Scrum Trainers (PST) and other people with serious and iconic achievements in the product development world. In the first episode of the series, you will hear Mr. Gunther Verheyen’s story. He calls himself an “independent Scrum Caretaker”. He is also a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with Scrum.org since 2011. If you want to contact Mr. Verheyen, visit his website at this link: https://guntherverheyen.com/ To watch my other videos, visit my YouT ..read more
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DevOps and Agile are two sides of the same Coin!
Scrum.org Blog
by Martin Hinshelwood
20h ago
From my early days as a developer, encountering the challenges that paved the way for DevOps at Merrill Lynch, to the eventual understanding and implementation of DevOps philosophies, my journey has been both enlightening and transformative. This evolution wasn't just about adopting new tools or practices; it was about a fundamental shift in how we approach software development and operations. The early 2000s saw me and many others struggling through the chaos of development and deployment processes that were anything but smooth. The frustration born out of these experiences was a clear signa ..read more
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Coaching-Haltung für Scrum Master – Teil 1: 5 essenzielle Fragen, um Blockaden zu lösen, den Lösungsraum zu öffnen und Zusammenarbeit zu ermöglichen
Scrum.org Blog
by Simon Flossmann
1d ago
Viele Scrum Master finden es (noch) schwierig, eine Coaching-Haltung einzunehmen. Sie wissen nicht, wie sie sich absichtslos auf eine Situation einlassen können und nicht als Experten auftreten. Heute möchte ich dir helfen, die Haltung des Nicht-Wissenden einzunehmen. Du nimmst eine Coaching-Haltung ein, indem du aktiv zuhörst. Warum? Aktives Zuhören ist gleichbedeutend mit einer Absichtserklärung: Jetzt höre ich zu, jetzt bleibe ich neugierig, jetzt frage ich, um zu ermöglichen, nicht nur um zu verstehen. (Wie dir das gelingt, verrate ich dir im Artikel „Warum aktives Zuhören kein Soft-Skill ..read more
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The Technical Product Owner: Beneficial or Problematic?
Scrum.org Blog
by Stefan Wolpers
1d ago
TL; DR: Technical Product Ownership Dive deep into the benefits—or the lack thereof—of the technical Product Owner (or product manager) and their profound impact on teams, customer satisfaction, and organizational success. Uncover when their technical acumen is a game-changer, a nice-to-have, or probably detrimental. Technical Product Ownership: A Blessing or Curse? A Scrum team ponders whether it is helpful for the Product Owner or product manager to have a deep technical understanding of how the upcoming work can be accomplished. There is a risk that the technical Product Owner or product ma ..read more
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Unificar roles para una mejor gestión de producto
Scrum.org Blog
by Guillem Hernandez Sola
2d ago
  En el panorama en constante evolución de la gestión de producto, el papel de la propiedad del producto se erige como un punto fundamental de discusión y debate. Tradicionalmente, esta responsabilidad se ha dividido entre gerentes de producto (product managers) y product owners, cada uno con funciones y áreas de enfoque distintas. Sin embargo, a medida que las organizaciones se esfuerzan por lograr una mayor agilidad y eficiencia, existe un reconocimiento creciente de la necesidad de repensar esta división y unificar estos roles para una gestión de productos más eficaz. Históricamente, a ..read more
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Retro Your Sprint Reviews!
Scrum.org Blog
by Mark Wavle
3d ago
We all know the Sprint Review is a time to invite stakeholders to interact with the product increment and request feedback to help the Product Owner steer future investments. But have you considered...inspecting the Sprint Review itself? Let's face it, sometimes we can focus our inspection and adaptation on the product and internal team processes while neglecting the very people we serve: our stakeholders. That's why I introduced a retrospective of our Sprint Review at a client, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer! For months, our teams had been cranking out Sprint Reviews, but hon ..read more
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La fin de l’agile, vraiment ?
Scrum.org Blog
by Vivien Colas
4d ago
Katie Moum - unsplash Passé ce titre, pourtant moins racoleur que certains qui s’efforcent d’affirmer que l’agilité n’est plus, analysons le pourquoi d’un tel débat. S’il devait y en avoir un. Avant de démarrer, soyons clair que cet article ne reflète que ma pensée et n’est là que pour tenter de vous donner plus d’éléments de réflexion sur le sujet. Agilité – une idée noble A aucun moment l’agilité n’a été définie comme une méthode, une pratique, un cadre de travail ou un mode, comme certains peuvent l’appeler. L’agilité par définition est une qualité et agile, un adjectif permettant de quali ..read more
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Dynamics of Emergent Leadership
Scrum.org Blog
by Paul Grew
4d ago
Leadership is not always a static trait assigned to a single individual who directs and dictates from a place of established authority. Instead, in modern workplaces' VUCA or BANI arenas, leadership often emerges fluidly, tailored to specific situations and needs. This phenomenon, known as emergent leadership, showcases the flexibility and adaptability of groups in responding to diverse challenges and opportunities. Emergent leadership thrives on the premise that anyone can lead, provided the circumstances require specific skills and insights. This concept is particularly relevant in projec ..read more
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How Done makes your Sprint Retrospective more effective (70)
Scrum.org Blog
by Steven Deneir
5d ago
We started this Scrum foundation series explaining we see four underlying concepts of the Scrum framework. In the past series of mails we covered the three pillars of Empiricism, the Scrum Values, and a Self-Managing and Cross-Functional Team. The concept Done is the fourth of these concepts. It needs a self-managing, and especially a cross-functional team, a team living the Scrum Values, to make it work in a way that it brings the needed transparency with regards to the quality of your solution/product. ? A solution (Product/Increment/Service) the team labels as Done, meaning the ..read more
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How do you avoid Scope Creep in Scrum?
Scrum.org Blog
by Jason Malmstadt
5d ago
  Scope Creep - the unintentional growth of the scope of a project - is a major concern in traditional, phased projects. How do you avoid scope creep in Scrum? Does the Scrum framework offer any tools or practices to avoid this destructive force? The answer is not as straight forward as you might think and may surprise you!  In this Responsive Advisors Lightning Round, we discuss how to deal with scope creep on a Scrum team ..read more
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