Occult Investigations
Paranormal Investigations - Investigations and surveys into sites which have Paranormal / Supernatural / Occult provenance.
Occult Investigations
2M ago
Filmed in Brueton Park, Solihull, UK - December 2024. In the wake of storm Darrahh. Several adult trees have fallen due to the high winds. Sandals Bridge was damaged by the impact of a falling tree and remains blocked ..read more
Occult Investigations
3M ago
Filmed and uploaded on Samhain 31st October 2024. The location of the Haunting lies upon the Grand Union Canal, between Knowle and Catherine de Barnes. That of a Victorian Barge Boy who fell from his Barge and drowned. The tradegy happened on 31st October (Samhain/Halloween) during the 1880's. His Ghost is said to hover upon the water's surface, especially on very foggy days. His Ghost is a particularly mournful spirit. Not a Ghost which appears to notice the living. The mournful Barge Boy of the Grand Union Canal ..read more
Occult Investigations
8M ago
Occult Investigations
8M ago
Occult Investigations
9M ago
Occult Investigations
1y ago