Neither Do I …
Family [Re]Design | Blending & Single Parent Family Ministry
by Kenneth Ussery
4y ago
There once was a woman at the well, in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its highest.  She chose this time of day because no one else would be around.  Why do we choose to go to places when no one else is going to be there…because we are full of shame, we are afraid of being mocked, ridiculed, or even made fun of?  We are hiding from those who point their fingers, who snicker behind our backs, and whisper to others about all the terrible things that we have done. At this exact moment, Jesus chose to stop at this same well.  He did not shy away from the “untouchabl more
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Come as You Are
Family [Re]Design | Blending & Single Parent Family Ministry
by Kenneth Ussery
4y ago
There once was a woman at the well, in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its highest.  She chose this time of day because no one else would be around.  Why do we choose to go to places when no one else is going to be there…because we are full of shame, we are afraid of being mocked, ridiculed, or even made fun of?  We are hiding from those who point their fingers, who snicker behind our backs, and whisper to others about all the terrible things that we have done. At this exact moment, Jesus chose to stop at this same well.  He did not shy away from the “untouchabl more
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