Climbing as Medicine
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks!
by Kaya Lindsay
2y ago
I’m lying on my back, staring up at the light filtering its way to me through the leaves of an oak tree. Dust motes, illuminated by the afternoon sun, float like dancers through the air.  It’s hot today. The sun has been baking The Valley floor all day, but my spot under this tree, lying on a crash pad is peaceful and cool.  I have just failed at another attempt on a boulder problem in Yosemite Valley. It is my first time bouldering outside and I have been thoroughly beaten by this slippery, balancey V2.  I have been lying here, staring at the beautiful canopy above me, for 15 m more
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The difference between a cliff and a wall 
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks! Blog
by Kaya Lindsay
3y ago
I was 26 years old and sitting in the back seat of a government issue SUV with a Yosemite National Park Service sticker slapped on the side of it. I wore a flimsy baseball cap with the words “Yosemite Climber Steward” printed on the front, and a little patch that displayed a caricature of Yosemite Valley.  As a Yosemite Climber Steward, I made $40 a week in food stipends and got free camping in the valley for 6 weeks. It was one of the best deals I’d made in a long time. Even with gas being $4.50 per gallon. Sitting in the driver’s and passenger’s seat in front of me was Brandon and Bud more
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One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks!
by Kaya Lindsay
4y ago
In the time of covid, we are all longing for something.  We long for a night out at the bars, for a classroom full of friends and an in-person teacher, we long to see our families during the holidays, we long to sit comfortably at a restaurant with a loved one.  And we long to be held.  It’s the thing I miss most. The drought of physical contact is painful in a way I didn’t know I could hurt. I hear they call it ‘touch starved’. It’s a term I’ve seen used online, once or twice in a clinical setting. A woman in a white lab coat speaks to the camera. “The baby monkey in our tests more
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Desert Meditation
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks!
by Kaya Lindsay
4y ago
Close your eyes.  Find a comfortable seat and feel the ground beneath you.  I sit cross legged on my cold floor and close my eyes. My finger tips sit lightly on the fake hardwood flooring.  Listen to the sounds around you.  I hear the sounds of people moving around in the morning. Car doors opening and closing quietly. The click click pop and then whisper of gas stoves coming on. The quiet rumble of someone hand grinding coffee. I hear accented English good mornings. The upward bracing lilt of an Australian greeting collides with the mellow downward tone of a cheery Canadia more
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Breakfasts With Eric
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks! Blog
by Kaya Lindsay
4y ago
Breakfasts with Eric were slow, careless mornings that stretched out into the late afternoons. Time passed like loose sand spilling from my hands onto the hot dusty ground. In another life, Eric would have been a Southern California surfer. His long blond hair and laughing green eyes would make you think he was born with a surfboard under one arm and a joint in one hand. But Eric was from the panhandle of Florida, and fled to Seattle the first chance he got.  Photo by @MikeHatesBolts His body is a work of art. Coming out west he got heavily invested in the tattoo scene. Both arms and one more
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One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks! Blog
by Kaya Lindsay
4y ago
$75,000.  The number stares back at me from my computer screen. The blue glow brings forward the headache that is slowly building behind my eyes. $75,000. I could apply for this job. I’m more than qualified. That money would change my life. $75,000 is $6,250/month. That is more money than I would ever know what to do with. I could pay off my student loans, rent a nice house in a nice neighborhood, I could shop at Whole Foods and go out for drinks and eat at nice restaurants and go to the salon every week. I could shop at Anthropologie and get a subscription to one of those fancy makeup se more
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Rafting The Grand Canyon: Crystal & The Gems
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks!
by Kaya Lindsay
5y ago
The day we ran Granite Rapid would be our biggest white water day of the trip. We would run Granite rapid, Hermit rapid, Crystal rapid, and what’s known as the gems. The gems are a series of large rapids called Sapphire, Turquoise, Emerald, Ruby and Serpentine. In this 15 mile stretch of water we would hit several of the largest and most dangerous rapids on the trip.  Because I’m terrified of white water, I decided to ride with Cole and Lyndsey on this day. Cole had already kayaked the Grand Canyon once before and he and Lyndsey were both experienced behind the oars of a raft.  I was more
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We're all out here, bleeding.
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks! Blog
by Kaya Lindsay
5y ago
The desert is made for heartbreak. It is the only place that can empathize. The ocean is too vast and unyielding. The pound of waves on sand is reminiscent of blood pumping through living veins. The ocean breathes and swarms with salty life. Forests buzz and squawk and shriek. The canopy of trees above is a smothering embrace. Pulling back any tree branch or rolling over any log reveals the wet underbelly of some other sensitive creature. The forest is quietly crowded. The mountains are too young. A measly 80 million years ago they erupted from the earth, tearing the world in half so they more
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Boulder Denim Review
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks! Blog
by Kaya Lindsay
5y ago
Boulder Denim Review Boulder Denim is a Canadian Company that makes my favorite pair of jeans of all time. They’re launching a new product, their Jogger/Chino jeans, which I got to try out. I took them and 3 other pairs of their jeans for a test run last fall. Long story short: these are legitimately my favorite jeans of all time. Me and the wonderful Kate Sabo enjoying a day out in Indian Creek, fall 2019 Waaaay back in 2015 I supported their Kickstarter where th more
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The Triple Crown
One Chick Travels - Adventures on Wheels and Rocks! Blog
by Kaya Lindsay
5y ago
It’s 4am when my alarm goes off.  In the darkness of the morning I hear the Weepies crooning to me. My eyes flick open and I raise my balled fists to my face and mush the sleep away. My body is tired but my mind is on fire.  Triple crown! Triple crown! Get up, get up let’s do this! I throw the covers off me and fumble around in the dark for a few minutes, eventually finding the light switch. I blink and shade my eyes at the brightness, my lids like raisins, crumpled and bruised from the lack of sleep. As I walk over to the sink to brush my teeth, I look at myself in the mirror.  I look tired more
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