Willow’s Christmas Photoshoot Bribery Revealed
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
1M ago
It’s that time of year again, and that means it’s time for Willow’s Christmas photoshoot. As a professional cat model, Willow knows all the poses required to get the shots we need. But don’t think for a moment that she will work for free! Willow will demand payment for her efforts, and that payment is ..read more
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Cat Discovers Quirkiest Campsite in Australia
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
2M ago
We have spent thousands of nights off-grid in our campervan on our travels around Australia and, for the most part, we usually find ourselves at free camps in forests, lonely stretches of highway, or the middle of the outback. However, there comes a time when you need a bit of luxury. Well… not luxury- maybe ..read more
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Willow and the Wildflowers – Western Australia’s Most Spectacular
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
4M ago
What if I told you that there is a region of Western Australia so spectacular that it almost defies belief? A place so wonderful that you could get lost in its beauty. A place were blooming flowers carpet rolling hills in majestic displays that stretch to the horizon. Well, this is what I told Steph ..read more
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The Greatest Thing About Travelling With A Cat – Willow at Koomaview Old Farmhouse
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
4M ago
When Willow and I set off travelling in our camper van all those years ago, I really had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. This was long before YouTube and Instagram were full of travelling cat videos and posts, there certainly weren’t any how-to guides, and for the most part, we just had ..read more
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The Lost Archives: Kangaroo Inn With Willow
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
5M ago
After crossing the border from Victoria into South Australia in our camper van we travelled up the Limestone Coast. It’s an area of volcanic craters, caves, and unspoilt beaches. Cute little seaside towns sparsely dot the coast before the wild expanse of the Coorong National Park greets travellers on their way to Adelaide. We had ..read more
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Big news! New house but Willow hates the neighbours. Our new home base in Perth
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
5M ago
It was a nervous moment when we swung open the front door, dumping the box I was carrying and IKEA bag full of clothes on the empty floor. It would be the first of many trips hauling our belongings into our new home, but on my back was the most precious of cargo, Willow. I ..read more
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There’s Biscuits In The Tea Room, And Other Thoughts About Travelling
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
6M ago
It’s just past 8pm and we’re in our campervan. Steph is on a work trip back to Hobart so it’s just me and Willow, enjoying a week or so down South from our home in Perth. I think we’ve remembered everything; it’s been a while since we’ve gone away. We’ve had some dinner and it’s ..read more
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Willow’s Garden Antics, New Cat Job, and Flesh Wounds
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
1y ago
It’s hard moving to a new city. I know that might sound silly as the whole premise of the last 8 years of my life has been about moving to new places, but what I know now is that when you’ve decided to stay in one particular place- it’s hard. The reality is that I have always had one foot out the door. The freedom of van life is such that anywhere and everywhere is your home. When you’re travelling and things get hard there’s always hope that the next town will be better, and with our campervan as our home, we have always had the freedom to move on at moment’s notice. Now we are renting a litt ..read more
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Dribbly cat – Happy 13th Birthday Willow!
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
1y ago
It’s Willow’s birthday, and to celebrate, here is a quick video of Willow waking up from a nap! Who else has a cat that drools in their sleep? Oh Willow! You certainly are a silly cat. I can always count on you to cheer me up… and to nibble my toes when I’m a bit slow getting your dinner in your bowl! Here is to another year together, my best friend. I hope that there will be many more! More Posts Boarding your pets on the Spirit of Tasmania is horrible A seal, a lighthouse, and a lazy cat. Leaving It All Behind.. Again * * * We need your help! We rely on people ju ..read more
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Flat Cat Meow: A New Start in the City of Perth
Van Cat Meow
by Rich
1y ago
I’m always amazed at how Willow adapts to new situations. On our travels, we are constantly in new environments and it’s impressive to see how she takes it all on and makes the most of every moment. So it wasn’t that much of a surprise when we moved into our new flat in Perth that she settled in right away. More Posts Willow’s Homecoming at Ten Lives Cat Centre Together, to explore, laugh, and play, and most of all love We Nearly Didn’t Make It Out Of Brisbane We had spent 9 months on the road since we left Hobart so we felt that it was time to settle down for a while. Perth is in the midd ..read more
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