A lesson in love
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
Originally posted on Life in a Bind - BPD and me: This weekend my therapist is at a residential conference – strangely enough at a conference centre I have stayed in myself. I have been dreading this weekend for months ..read more
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Small victories
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
I made what looked like a very small decision last week, but it felt as though it carried particular significance. A few years ago I was one of a number of runners up in a writing competition, and part of ..read more
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Acceptance (changes)
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
Or, ‘The resolution to the tale of this thing that I have done’ Almost three years ago, in March 2016, I wrote a series of posts called: ‘This thing that I have done – Part 1’; ‘This thing that I ..read more
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Resistance in therapy – facing the dark parts of the shadow
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
[The 5-minute Youtube clip is from the film ‘King Arthur: Legend of the Sword’, and I would recommend watching  it before reading the post, if possible, as so much of the content of the post relates to the imagery of ..read more
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Arriving home – the language of therapy
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
Susie Orbach wrote, in a beautiful article (from 2016) on the poetry of therapy, that “Words are the most exquisite example of the unity of mind and body”. They are also powerful; language matters. “The limits of language are the ..read more
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Peace (Changes)
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
Peace. For the last few mornings, as I’ve woken up and the first feeling I’ve been aware of is a heavy sadness inside my chest, all I’ve wanted to feel is peace. Not just peace and respite from pain and ..read more
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To write is to reveal, to battle, and to heal
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
I’m honoured and excited to have had a guest blog published on Rachel Kelly’s website towards the end of November, on the subject of writing, and in particular on how writing poetry has been so significant for my well-being. I’m ..read more
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Therapy, choice, and our internal fight
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
I think this is the most important thing I’ve ever written. I think it’s also the most inward looking, the most esoteric, the least relatable – unless you happen to be in a very similar place to me. Albert Camus ..read more
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Therapist – client boundaries in the online world
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
I wrote this article for welldoing.org more than a year ago, but didn’t post it as I was concerned in case it was seen by the person who prompted it to be written. However, I had cause to think of ..read more
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World Mental Health Day 2018
Life in a Bind
by Life in a Bind - BPD and me
4y ago
I’m sharing a link to a post I wrote for World Mental Health Day four years ago. I love the words of this song, and I’m still so grateful for the online community in which we share our darkness and ..read more
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