Sword and Fairy 1 (2024) Drama Review – part 2
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1w ago
Episode 22 So Bai Yue shows up and realistically with this many opponents he really shouldn’t be able to beat them. Mr Shi’s self sacrifice attack should also realistically damage him at least, but this episode is to show how overpowered he is. Again, I really liked the changes they made to Mr Shi. Also ..read more
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Sword and Fairy 1 (2024) Drama Review – part 1
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1w ago
When I was a kid, I played a chinese RPG on PC called “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” (仙剑奇侠传) also known as ‘Chinese Paladin’. It was awesome, still is. One of my favourite games of all time. It just had everything: you visit all kind of places, fight a huge variety of enemies, learn ..read more
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Making a number only text input
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
4M ago
On your input add this This will only allow number characters This will allow 1 decimal to be added in addition to numbers ..read more
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How to export an apk file for testing
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
7M ago
In the terminal run these commands: Then the apk file is here ..read more
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How to fix NativeEventEmitter warning
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
7M ago
I was getting the warning: new NativeEventEmitter() was called with a non-null argument without the required removeListeners method. I was using React Native Sound and to fix the warning I add the below lines of code to this file in the react-native-sound module: react-native-sound/android/src/main/java/com/zmxv/RNSound/RNSoundModule.java ..read more
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Copying a state variable’s value
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1y ago
To copy the value of a variable declared using useState, if it’s an array use: let varName = [...stateVar]; If it’s not an array use: let varName = stateVar.valueOf ..read more
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Creating an array of empty arrays
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1y ago
If you do: let arr = new Array(5); arr.fill([]); This will make an array of 5 identical arrays where editing one will update all which is rarely what anyone wants. To achieve an array of different arrays use: let arr = Array.from(new Array(5), () => ..read more
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Update all dependencies in package.json to latest
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1y ago
To do this, use npm-check-updates Install with Then update with ..read more
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Accessible hash links
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1y ago
This is mainly for the ‘skip to content’ links. $("a[href^='#']").not("a[href]='#'").click(function() {    $("#"+$(this).attr("href").slice(1)+"").focus ..read more
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Difference between var, let and const
Projectmw Blog
by Mark
1y ago
var declarations are globally scoped or function scoped while let and const are block scoped. This means you can declare the a let or const with the same name inside an if statement and it will be self contained. The console would log “aa bb” followed by “a b”. Let and const can’t be redeclared in ..read more
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