Dinar Daily
We are a dinar discussion forum where we share the Iraqi News & Crazy Gurus
Dinar Daily
8M ago
According to various sources, there is between $12 Trillion dollars (USD) worth of world currency in circulation, physical money. A lot more than that if you include stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other stuff. Sources vary but use any number that makes you feel comfortable. So, a Trillion Iraqi dinar at today's exchange rate 1309 is about $763,657,700.00. Not even a a billion USD. So, if the Dinar went to just 1:1 with the USD, then that alone is 1/12 of the total global currency. Common ..read more
Dinar Daily
8M ago
So, ole Ray and Tony have launched a new platform on Twitter. They have had two public forums thus far, either to pull in new suckers, or music major turned DJ Ray doesnt know how to yet. Recently, Tony has been using new buzz words to amaze and delight his sheeple: Full Steam Ahead, Pop any minute.... as well as the usual ones. Gotta keep those donations going. As one might guess, even with the new platform and new buzzies, the same old tired message hasnt changed. Synopsis of this particular ..read more
Dinar Daily
9M ago
[size=22]The Craziness of Scam by "Tony TNT Renfrow" and the Iraqi Dinar Currency Scam[/size] Sekou Osei Jan 22, 2014, 6:59:02 PM to blackle...@googlegroups.com The Craziness with the Dinar… By Malik Sekou Osei January 14th, 2014 Let us begin with us begin with a quote of a scam artist by the name of Tony TNT Renfrow to understand the lying, fraudulent and infantile hype as con of people out of their hard earn money by the scam of the Iraqi dinar:   ..read more
Dinar Daily
9M ago
Thirteen/Shutterstock Even conspiratorial currency speculators aren’t buying a Russian ruble revalue It’s not the next the Iraqi dinar Mike Rothschild Tech Posted on Mar 24, 2022 Updated on Apr 11, 2022, 9:40 am CDT With the Russian ruble crashing in value due to the nation’s invasion of Ukraine, could we be looking at the new version of the Iraqi dinar scam, with investors buying it up in huge chunks in the hope that Russia will recover and make them rich ..read more
Dinar Daily
10M ago
Carnival Rides The haze of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent. The worst media meme — that vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by ..read more
Dinar Daily
10M ago
The USA can't be more humiliated than this, people are waking up to what our fascist government is. A bunch of pedophiles & Satanists are leading the European Union & the USA & it's coming to an end. Go Russia!
WhereWeGo1WeGoAll ..read more
Dinar Daily
10M ago
In 1944, Edgar Cayce prophesied that Russia would help prevent the destruction of mankind. He foresaw a future world financial crisis, and he pointed to Russia as being the "thorn in the side" of the financial powers that were organizing themselves against the good of humanity, describing Russia's role as being the "hope of the world": "In Russia, there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live ..read more
Dinar Daily
10M ago
Well, Ole Phony Tony came out from under his rock yesterday and delivered the well-known, patented, worn out, and ho-hum podcast. The only new thing was he ate and smacked his lips during the entire show, adding an air of sophistication to what some might consider a endless stream of BS. You all know it and love it, but here is a play by play: 1. Some self absorbed adoration, namely gifts he received from his sheeple. 2. Chattered about his inside information from the "3 letter agencies". 3 ..read more
Dinar Daily
10M ago
Tesla made free energy with the Tesla Coils where electricity would go from one tower to the next & people could get electricity freely with an antenna like we get wifi. The Rockefellers couldn't have that & most people don't even know that Tesla is the one who invented AC ''Alternating Current''. Thomas Edison advocated direct current (DC). We use AC 99% of the time but Tesla wanted to make it free. He drove a car that used the magnetic field of earth to power it in Dallas The ..read more