Aaronforce.net Blog
Find purpose, meaning, and develop your potential to live your most powerful life! The spirituality & self-improvement blog for more powerful living.
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
As I continue to meet people and to research the significance of our period in time I find more and more of a consensus, as well as my own personal intuition, that humanity is ready to break through into some new and expanded experience of reality. I discuss several reasons that suggest we may be on the cusp of a massive breakthrough for humanity.
Many people who have spiritually-awakened, such as myself, or who practice a strong spiritual discipline believe very firmly that we are directly in the midst of a global shift of consciousness. Here are several reasons which support this belief ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
My spiritual awakening was quite profound. By this I mean it was certainly attention-getting and marked a significant inflection point in my life.
When it occurred I was in my early forties, hovering at the cusp of a mid-life crisis, suffering and in despair because of my dissatisfaction with life and with who I was.
I now have a greater understanding of consciousness (although it is certainly a complex subject) and see as its essence that which acts as some kind of operating system to allow us to understand the self, our environment (life or the universe), and to grant us an int ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
One of my deepest passions as an awakened individual is contemplating what it means to be human at this time in our history and what our potential as a species is. Here are some key points of what I see as we continue our progression toward the future.
Although we live in unprecedented times, I absolutely believe that we are living FAR below our human potential.
People say that we only use a small fraction of our brains (something on the order of 10% or so). If we could capture more of our brainpower, imagine what that could do for us. However, my interest is not in our hidden ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
The ego. As a psychological construct, it maintains incredible control over our lives. By this incessant control, it brings a greater limitation to our experience and a far lesser degree of freedom. But why does it do so? What are its motivations for usurping the power in our lives for its own benefit? I suggest three reasons why our egos are so controlling:
Reason #1: The Ego Wants Desperately To Survive
The controlling tendency of ego is born first of all from its vulnerability. It must be remembered that the ego has long ago seceded from the power and wholeness of Source energy, our true ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
The following blog is a revised and condensed version of the ebook, “What Is Transpersonal Extropy?” You can download a copy of the expanded document here, no email address required.
What is Transpersonal Extropy?
Transpersonal Extropy (TE) is the idea that as we individually and collectively transcend the psychological mechanism of the unconscious ego our lives become more expanded, ordered, meaningful, and even guided toward a higher state of being. By way of expanded consciousness, humanity not only finds the ability to avert our destruction but adapt to more harmonious and sustainable ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
The ego is a psychological mechanism by which we find identity and through which we understand our world. Ultimately, it is similar to some type of operating system which brings the ability for interaction between our personal selves and our environment. In this sense, it lies somewhere on the spectrum of consciousness. But is the ego a functional gradient of that spectrum and does it represent our highest possible degree of consciousness?
Ego Analogies
The ego is our individual representation here in this realm of time and space, or as my friend Roland Achenjang, author of Who and Why You A ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
All of us, especially in our natural (unawakened) state find our lives bound by certain limits. Most of these are self-imposed but some are assumed. One such type of limit is found in the expectations of others.
“Others” is a broad group and can include individuals that we know, groups of people, or institutions. But the expectations that others have for us can be extremely powerful in their ability to hinder our growth. We tend to place a lot of value in what others think of us.
When I was in high school I had a certain reputation in the eyes of others. I wasn’t popular at all. I wasn ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
All of us have a purpose in this life. That general purpose is to willingly and joyfully align with the Grand Plan. As you look around you, you can see that the universe is highly structured, exhibiting great order at all levels of scale. Every element, creature, and environmental system contributes to the Grand Plan to create a unified and harmonious expression of its Creator.
All participants in the Grand Plan contribute exactly as they are intended to. The rhinos behave as rhinos—perfectly. So does the water cycle. When was the last time you saw the oceans flood or the mountains tumb ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
At all times in history, humanity has experienced a collective version of reality that is commonly accepted. There are a number of reasons why this is so, whether out of convenience or simple ignorance. For each of us, though, life has a highest embodiment known as Potential.
Potential is the state of our optimal reality. As such, it is an expression of Truth. What is Truth but rightness, the way things are supposed to be? To achieve potential is to find and adhere to that which God intended. It is to rise above the myriad of illusions that shield us from how we and life are supposed to ..read more
Aaronforce.net Blog
3y ago
As you continue to grow stronger on your spiritual path and actualize your potential, you can do so knowing that you live in a favorable universe. It is 100% conducive to positive change and for manifesting the things that are beneficial to you and others. In other words, life is not out to get you. Although it may seem like it at times it does not have your worst end in mind.
To think that life has the intent to prevent us from reaching our highest potential is quite an irrational thought to be sure but that is exactly how I used to think. I had, through poor thoughts and feelings, pro ..read more