Best postal code area in Montréal?
Montréal | Reddit
by /u/throw_and_run_away
59m ago
H2W takes it for me - it contains the heart of the Plateau, a bunch of pedestrian streets, terrasses, murals, Schwartz’s, Casa Minhota, part of Mount Royal Park, and a certain place with lots of steam rooms submitted by /u/throw_and_run_away [visit reddit] [comments more
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Cheap private health plan
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by /u/Plant_surgeon101
2h ago
Looking for affordable private health plan for single person under 30 Any suggestions? submitted by /u/Plant_surgeon101 [visit reddit] [comments more
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Visiting Montreal in a few months time and looking to learn some French
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by /u/the_anxiety_haver
2h ago
Hello. A couple of friends and I are going to be visiting Montreal for a few days and I thought the polite thing to do would be to try and learn a bit of Québecois French. Is there some good media on youtube that I can pop on for background listening to supplement online courses that I'm doing? I'm entirely unfamiliar with Canadian entertainment for the most part. submitted by /u/the_anxiety_haver [visit reddit] [comments more
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Bets place to go Horseback Riding?
Montréal | Reddit
by /u/CalmYoTitz
2h ago
My wife's birthday is coming up and she loves horses. I'd love to take her horseback riding but google isn't giving me the best results. Curious if anyone has any recommendations here. I'm open to driving up-to 2 hours away. Thanks! submitted by /u/CalmYoTitz [visit reddit] [comments more
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Propriétaire essaye de nous empêcher de quitter notre appartement
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by /u/dogstar_lordfly
2h ago
Bonjour, Ma copine et moi désirons quitter notre appartement pour un nouveau et notre propriétaire actuel nous complique énormément la vie. J’aurais besoin de conseils afin de bien comprendre mes droits. Si je me base sur le site de la CORPIQ : « la loi 31 permet maintenant au propriétaire de refuser, et ce sans motif, une cession de bail. Cela aura pour effet de libérer le locataire de ses obligations. » Ayant remis en main propre l’avis de cession fourni par le TAL, selon ma compréhension, mon propriétaire aurait 15 jours pour accepter ou refuser la cession. S’il accepte, tant mieux et s’il more
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Montréal | Reddit
by /u/Maitre-pangolin
2h ago
Cherche un bon electricien pour une petite job dans Rosemont (changement de panneau) , des recommandations ? Merci submitted by /u/Maitre-pangolin [visit reddit] [comments more
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Looking for a Job
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by /u/ForzaCharles16
4h ago
Hello, I'm a 22-year-old female studying physics. I'll be starting an internship on May 27th, but in the meantime, I'm exploring the option of taking on some work. I'm proficient in programming and have experience with machine learning (I have make some project but of course I still need to learn more), as well as a strong background in mathematics and physics. However, I should note that I only speak English and Spanish, not French. I'm open to various job opportunities, including roles such as waitressing or assisting with cleaning tasks. I have seen groups in Facebook offering jobs, but th more
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ComediHa! presentera un festival d'humour en Juillet pour combler le vide laissé par Juste Pour Rire
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by /u/RitoRvolto
4h ago
submitted by /u/RitoRvolto [visit reddit] [comments more
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Best thermal circuit spa around Montreal
Montréal | Reddit
by /u/Top_Training5748
6h ago
Planning a surprise for Mother’s day and currently deciding between 3: La source Radeon, Finlandais Rosemère and Strom Mont St Hilaire. Which one should I go with? And if you have better recommendations feel free to comment :D Thank you! submitted by /u/Top_Training5748 [visit reddit] [comments more
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Du crack au CHSLD
Montréal | Reddit
by /u/Tenzous
6h ago
"Des résidants d’un CHSLD vendent et consomment du crack dans leur propre établissement et même devant l’entrée, dénoncent des occupants du centre d’hébergement Paul-Émile-Léger, situé à deux pas de ce que l’on surnomme « l’allée du crack », en plein cœur de Montréal. Le centre est au courant du problème et dit collaborer avec le Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM)." submitted by /u/Tenzous [visit reddit] [comments more
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