Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
The Association for Mormon Letters (AML) is a nonprofit founded in 1976 to "foster scholarly and creative work in Mormon letters and to promote fellowship among scholars and writers of Mormon literature."
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
An Interview with Jeanna Mason Stay
For the past ten years, the Mormon Lit Blitz has been publishing short stories, short essays, and poems about Mormon experience and themes. Each spring, the Mormon Lit Blitz holds a general interest contest. Most years in the fall, there’s a themed contest with more specific constraints on submissions.
This fall, Jeanna Mason Stay served as guest editor for the current themed contest: Saints, Spells, and Spaceships. From October 25-November 6, the twelve finalists are being published on the lit.mormonartist.net website. Here are some thoughts fro ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
We are sad to hear that the esteemed poet Colin B. Douglas has passed away. Colin has been a valued voice in LDS poetry and criticism for several decades, and contributed a 19-part series “Being a Restorationist Writer” for this blog. We will publish more details in coming days. Here is post Colin wrote upon the publication of his poetry collection Into the Sun: Poems Revised, Rearranged, and New (Waking Lion Press) in 2019.
Into the Sun is my “collected poems, 1979 – 2019.”
The roots of these poems reach down to my earliest life experience, and the revelations of the Restoration giv ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
Since its founding in 1976, the Association for Mormon Letters has kept conversations about Mormon literature and creativity going. If you love books, we’d love to have you join the conversation. On Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 pm MT, we’ll hold a Zoom meeting for anyone interested in volunteering on one of our initiatives for 2021-2022. Come to hear about what we have planned, ask questions, and let us know what you’re interested in helping with.
RSVP here if you’d like us to send you the meeting link.
Hope to see you there! We’re currently looking for help in six areas:
Contact ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
We are saddened to hear that Steven P. Sondrup, a former BYU comparative literature professor, passed away on November 10, 2020. Sondrup was one of the founders of the Association for Mormon Letters and was a key figure in the organization’s development for its first eighteen years.
Steven Preece Sondrup was born on May 27, 1944, to Walter and Louise Sondrup, and was the eldest of three children. He attended schools in Salt Lake City and served as an LDS missionary in Germany and Italy, before graduating magna cum laude from the University of Utah with a BA in German. He then earned MA an ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
I was working with the editor at Jade Publishing to see a handful of Spanish-language short stories I had written become a book. The publisher’s designer had put together a cover I really liked. I was excited. And then I received a surprising e-mail: we should probably dump the title and call your book something else. My original title, which read something to the tune of “Eleven Fantastical Stories and Four Sad Stories” probably wouldn’t work. Perhaps I could come up with something different? Okay, fair enough. So I sat down to change the title. But nothing. I was baffled.
To be honest, I no ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
In a previous post, which I mischievously titled “Canonical Short Stories?,” I inquired as to whether there might be a set of short stories we could consider somehow essential to Mormon letters. I was purposely vague in my formulation of the question. I only posited that they should be short stories instead of collections and left further criteria to the readers. Of course, the answer to such a subjective question depends on the criteria that are applied when answering. For that reason, I did not want to restrict the possibilities by saying things like: the author must be dead or only fiction ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
One of the reasons this thing called Mormon Literature has no established canon is because it lacks the institutions that create canons. In most countries, the government plays a role in creating a canon. Teaching curricula in public and private institutions need to be approved by the authorities, so the authorities help shape the canon. For Mormon Literature the closest equivalent would be the Church, but the Church has no interest in this, as it shouldn’t. (It does have a canon–the four Standard Works, but it’s a devotional not a literary canon.) Of course, scholars play a key role too. Fro ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
Hello, AMLians! Editor Theric here, visiting from Irreantum to provide a report on volume 18 issue 1, our summer issue.
Today marks 177 years exactly since Parley P. Pratt’s classic “Joe Smith and the Devil” first appeared in New York Herald. It’s one of the works that drew me into the field of Mormon lit and I thought why not celebrate it again?
So I reached out to a variety of writers and artists and asked them to respond to the dialogue.
I also asked them to invite another person to participate, with the goal of ten total participants.
Not everyone made it to the finish line, but we ende ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
It is with GREAT Sadness that we mention the passing of Curt Bench, who died 8-18-21 from aneurysm. Curt was the founder of Benchmark Books and GREAT FRIEND of the Mormon literature and book community. Curt was a mentor to many, he had a wonderful sense of humor, and was always willing to share his vast knowledge of Mormon history, literature and books. He will be GREATLY missed. Our condolences to the Bench family and the Benchmark Books team.
The post The Passing of Curt Bench appeared first on Dawning of a Brighter Day ..read more
Dawning of a Brighter Day Blog
3y ago
It has been almost two years since I last did one of these columns. I don’t plan on starting it up again as a regular thing, but there are so many interesting news and interesting new works being published, as well as some self-promotion, so I thought I would put it all together in a post.
This covers major news and releases since the AML Conference, held in May. Be sure to see our 2020 AML Awards and the YouTube videos of the conference panels, which discussed the best Mormon literature in the 19th, early 20th, late 20th, and 21st centuries. Also James Goldberg’s inspiring presidential addr ..read more