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by jon
6y ago
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An Open Letter to Russell M Nelson
Rational Faiths
by Merlin J.A. Salisbury
6y ago
Dear Russell M. Nelson, president and prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Consider this my open letter to you and your First Presidency. You did not respond directly to me when I resigned from your church, and no one asked me why I resigned. I have been told multiple times that I resigned because of a desire to sin or to hurt others. I have been labeled an apostate and heretic for resigning. However, this letter’s purpose is to provide the precise reason for my resignation from your church. I hope y ..read more
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The Walls of Heaven
Rational Faiths
by Merlin J.A. Salisbury
6y ago
Russell M Nelson, in his Sunday morning general conference address had some pretty dangerous remarks that hurt me and many of my friends, and even more via their parents. No Empty Chairs One day we had a Family Home Evening. I was probably in my mid teens. The lesson seemed like any other basic, throwaway lesson. It seemed to me like my mom had heard a really good story, or had a really good lesson in Relief Society, and wanted to share it with us. My mom often shared with us her testimony, and raised us all to be True Believing Members of the church. Were it not for the great ..read more
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We Like Our Heaven Better
Rational Faiths
by Lesley Ann Butterfield
6y ago
I have a family. We are a family. I bore these children, made from my own flesh and blood. I labor for them. I love them. I nursed them. I nourish them. But, when I listened to President’s Nelson’s talk on the Sunday Morning Session of General Conference, I heard how my labor, nursing, and nourishing would be all in vain if we did not all make and keep the prescribed covenants that his heaven requires. In short, we would not be together in his heaven, because, as he himself stated, “Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter.” Families Can’t Be Together Fo ..read more
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Who Else is Confused? Leaked Policy to Revelation to Revelation-Reversal-Revelation: The Ask a Mormon Lesbian Podcast With Laura Root (episode 40; 349)
Rational Faiths
by Laura Root, The Barker Brothers
6y ago
Does anyone else out there in Mormondom have whiplash from the recent change in policy, I mean recent revelation changing a revelation from almost four years ago regarding LGBTQ Mormons and their children? – Laura and Miguel discuss yesterday’s policy revelation ..read more
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Finding True Morality After Mormonism
Rational Faiths
by Merlin J.A. Salisbury
6y ago
Having left the boat of Mormonism, I found myself alone in a sea without the compass of a moral code. “If I don’t believe in the church what do I believe in?’ “What’s stopping me from killing people?” “Is there anything in Mormonism worth keeping?” “How do I decide right and wrong?” “If there’s no afterlife, what’s the point of being a good person?” “Why should I care if my actions affect other people?” I admit I wandered aimlessly for a little while, keeping the law as a safe limit to stay within, but wondering where the limits of my own morality were. I started thinking about wh ..read more
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When Victims Seek Justice From The Church, Mormon Women Speak (Episode 21, 348)
Rational Faiths
by Lesley Ann Butterfield, The Barker Brothers
6y ago
Does the church really protect predators and enable abusers? What happens when a victim pursues legal action or justice from the church or those associated with the church? Are there patterns of practice that take place within the litigation process with the church or the church’s attorneys? What are some of the tactics used by attorney’s for the church to victim-shame, victim-blame, gas-light, and retaliate against victims who seek legal justice? We cover: -Possible reasons why the Mormon church spends millions to defend abusive predators -Challenges in pursuing legal justice when ..read more
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