Shannon McNab Blog
Graphic designer & illustrator specializing in surface design, email marketing & print media.
Shannon McNab Blog
3y ago
One of the questions that comes up frequently in my Creativity Clan FB group is “How do I get myself out of a creative rut?”
It’s something that seems to plague all creative types at some point, often in frequent intervals throughout the year. I’ve definitely had my fair share of “loss of mojo” moments, so I know first-hand how frustrating and self-defeating they can feel at times. So after researching different ways to help get out of a creative rut for my DDClan’s Q&A Monday session on the subject, I wanted to share a list of 10 of my favorite ideas (most of which I’ve personally ..read more
Shannon McNab Blog
3y ago
Well, technically it began back in July when I officially signed up for my booth, but publicly announcing it today makes it seem that much more real to me.
What is Surtex you ask? Surtex is an annual surface design trade show where designers license and sell their work to companies. Not sure what surface design is? Check out my blog post that explains all about it.
And why have I decided to exhibit at Surtex 2017 when I'm still a newbie in the surface design industry? Well, after careful consideration and TONS of research on the subject, I decided that exhibiting at Surtex would be one of the ..read more
Shannon McNab Blog
5y ago
I recently explained the business term “low hanging fruit” on an Instagram post and how easily I felt it could apply to us as designers. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it essentially means focusing on goals that require the least amount of effort. Sounds pretty good right?
From that post, the conversation evolved into a full-blown discussion about easy ways to feel accomplished – something we’re all probably looking for on the daily right now. I mean how often in the past 2 months have you felt like you wasted an entire day? I know I’ve had my fair share!
So today, I’m sharing 20 small t ..read more
Shannon McNab Blog
5y ago
Whether now is still a good time to contact art directors is an absolutely valid question to have. I’ve seen it asked in several Facebook groups, including mine. Most of our lives have been completely flipped upside down by Covid-19, countless trade shows have been cancelled, and many of our commission projects have evaporated.
Note: You can pin the image below if you want to save this post & read it later!
So it’s completely understandable that we’d also be worried about approaching potential new clients (or even current ones, to be honest) and whether it’s a waste of time.
Is contacting ..read more
Shannon McNab Blog
6y ago
Time sure flies when you’re busy! Between moving homes back in March, building 2 new Skillshare classes, and exhibiting at BOTH Surtex and Blueprint this year, you could say my blogging time has been a bit limited in 2019.
That doesn’t mean I’m out of ideas though. In fact, I currently have a lengthy list of posts just waiting to be written. But I wanted to cut right to the chase and get to the number one question I’ve been getting asked this year:Surtex or Blueprint, which trade show is better? What a loaded question! Th ..read more