Expert Textperts
Expert Textperts is a blog started by three Mormon guys and and an equally Mormon girl for the purposes of writing about whatever we feel like writing about.
Expert Textperts
5y ago
It's been a while since I opened blogger for any reason other than deleting spam comments, but I've just come out of Ad Astra and I need to talk about it. No... I need to write about it. I blame grad school and film class for this. I love a good sci-fi movie as much as the next nerd. I've seen every Star Wars film (that was released in my lifetime) in a theater, I've enjoyed plenty of Star Trek, I laughed and cried in The Martian, and I'm a sucker for time travel (except for The Time Traveler's Wife, that movie scarred me for life, please do not watch it, watch About Time instead). I would a more
Expert Textperts
5y ago
This Independence Day, I've been thinking a lot about freedom. Freedom is an abstract concept and easy to twist to whatever your personal definition may be, but bear with me as I play with the definition to serve the purposes of this post. Freedom is being free, right? If you are a free person, you can go do basically whatever you'd like today as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. You probably have a few options of what to do today including barbecuing, watching Netflix, going on a walk, and watching fireworks later tonight. In the United States, certain freedoms are enumerated in Bill of R more
Expert Textperts
5y ago
Okay, first things first, my disclaimer: Beware, all ye who read this. I would like you to read this because I believe it is important, but please consider what you read for a few minutes before responding, and definitely read the entire post, especially if it makes you angry, because this is my feminist rant about LDS baptismal traditions. Before I am accused of being apostate: I do think that 8 year olds are capable of making the decision to be baptized, I do think they shouldn't feel pressure to choose it, and I definitely think that it is an important step to make in one's religious jour more
Expert Textperts
5y ago
Faithful Latter-day Saints and good Christians everywhere know that The Family is under attack as it has never before been. Indeed, The Family is in such dire straights that people struggling with same sex attraction are trying to form their own families, often cheered on by governments, scholars, feminists, and (obviously) Satan. This grave, dire, and definitely real threat to religious liberty and Christian values means it is our sacred duty to defend The Family by attacking all who would destroy it. But how do you know you're doing enough to defend The Family? This short quiz is here to he more
Expert Textperts
5y ago
You and I both know the Mormon Newsroom as America's real journal of record, but despite so many high-quality press releases descending on its pages as the dews of Carmel, I feel like there are some headlines I keep expecting (or hoping) to see but never do. Well, if the greatest new organization of our generation cannot fill that need, I guess it's up to people like me to do so using the most important weapon in a non-journalist's arsenal: my own twisted imagination. -- -- --
New missionary age limits announced: elders may serve at age eighteen, sisters at not eighteen Church members laud more
Expert Textperts
5y ago
At the outset of this year I made one New Years' Resolution, and I'd like to share it with the faithful readers. For my resolution I have chosen two people whom I greatly admire and would like to emulate. My first choice was obvious; I want to be more like the pope. Pope Francis has become a daily inspiration to the world, Catholics and otherwise, making him an obvious choice of a strong, Christlike person whom I could use as a good example of how to live my life with more empathy, understanding, and love. Four for you, Pope Francis! You go Pope Francis. via
My second choice is perhaps less more
Expert Textperts
5y ago
I recently read a post over at kiwimormon about an LDS man facing some kind of church discipline for writing an essay arguing that the historical Mormon practice of polygamy was not doctrinal. I don't know the guy and I want to be sensitive to what sounds like a difficult situation, so I won't comment more on that, but it got me thinking about the practice we Mormonfolk call plural marriage. For starters, I thought about how much I dislike that euphemism, so I'll just call it polygamy.* My position on polygamy is straightforward: Not gonna do it. Not now, not ever. If the President of the Chu more