Penyakit dan Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Ibu Hamil
Our Moment of Truth
by truthmont
5M ago
Penyakit dan Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Ibu Hamil – Ibu hamil mengalami perubahan hormon dan tubuh dalam beberapa kasus memunculkan masalah Kesehatan dari gejala ringan sampai berat. Hal tersebut sangat umum terjadi sebab tubuh ibu hamil harus berdaptasi terhadap beberapa perubahan. Namun, masih banyak wanita hamil tidak mengalami masalah apapun hingga melahirkan. Menjaga asupan makanan serta pola hidup penting sekali untuk menjaga Kesehatan ibu dan bayi. Peran orang-orang di sekitar dari suami, orang tua atau anggota keluarga lain selalu dibutuhkan. Dukungan moril sangat berharga pada masa-masa k more
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8 Jenis Penyakit yang Sering Terjadi pada Ibu Hamil
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by truthmont
1y ago
8 Jenis Penyakit yang Sering Terjadi pada Ibu Hamil – Pada dasarnya perubahan hormon yang terjadi pada masa kehamilan tidak hanya akan mempengaruhi bentuk tubuh saja. Akan tetapi ini akan membantu di dalam meningkatkan resiko terserang berbagai macam gangguan penyakit selama masa kehamilan. Apalagi jika sistem imunitas si Ibu rendah maka harus lebih keras untuk menjaga kesehatannya. Ada banyak gangguan penyakit yang terjadi pada ibu hamil yang mana akan mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang pada janin serta kandungan. Itulah mengapa sebabnya wanita hamil harus mewaspadai beberapa jenis gangguan penyakit more
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5 Cara Untuk Menjaga Kesehatan Selama Masa Kehamilan
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by truthmont
1y ago
5 Cara Untuk Menjaga Kesehatan Selama Masa Kehamilan – Pada dasarnya sangat penting sekali bagi para ibu hamil untuk menjaga kesehatan dirinya selama masa kehamilan hingga mencapai usia kandungan 9 bulan. Perlu diingat bahwasanya janin akan terus tumbuh dengan cukup sehat hingga mencapai waktu masa kelahiran apabila kondisi si Ibu juga dalam keadaan yang sehat. Lalu bagaimana caranya untuk menjaga kesehatan bagi para ibu hamil serta bayi yang ada di dalam kandungannya tersebut? Pada dasarnya menjaga kesehatan ibu hamil memang cukup gampang-gampang susah. Akan tetapi para ibu hamil bisa menerap more
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Hello world!
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by truthmont
1y ago
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing more
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How Does my Mental Health Impact my Wellbeing?
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by Discover Midwives
2y ago
Like keeping your body in shape, good mental and emotional health is part of primary health care and wellness. Your thoughts and feelings can influence your body in many ways. Mental health and physical health are linked, and each can have a significant effect on the other. Getting and staying mentally and emotionally well can make it easier to be physically well, and vice versa. And your wellness can suffer if you encounter mental or emotional illness, just the same as if you were to experience a physical condition. Positive mental health allows people to realize their full potential, deal wi more
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Happy Meals in Pregnancy?
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by Discover Midwives
2y ago
Pregnant people experience much distress about eating well. Symptoms like nausea, odor aversion, and increased or decreased appetite are common in the first trimester. Many women report a distaste for certain healthy foods like vegetables and protein and experience cravings for foods with poor nutritional value like potatoes, crackers, and other carbohydrates. When you combine these common changes with the genuine and often intense desire to eat well for the growing baby, it is truly a recipe for disaster. What’s more, the common practice of taking prenatal vitamins may complicate the situatio more
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Shared Decision-Making: Women and Midwives in Partnership
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by Discover Midwives
2y ago
Author’s Note: We intend that the words “woman”, “women”, or the pronouns she/her inclusively refer to all childbearing individuals, regardless of their gender identity, in order to use language that is consistent with the research and references cited here.) What is shared decision-making? Shared decision-making is a form of communication where women and midwives collaborate around healthcare decisions. 1 The midwife offers evidence-based information on the risks and benefits of the available options for a particular medical decision, and with this information the woman makes the best choice more
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Your Midwife’s Guide to Cesarean
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by Discover Midwives
2y ago
Midwives think of birth as a normal life process. We recognize the power of your body to support pregnancy and to give birth. However, we know sometimes, a cesarean delivery (c-section) is necessary and can be lifesaving. Our goal is to help you navigate pregnancy, childbirth, and the transition to parenthood. Midwives are committed to you having a positive birth experience regardless of if you give birth by c-section or vaginally. Having a cesarean may bring up a range of feelings, from joy and relief to disappointment. The following are some common questions midwives get about cesareans. &nb more
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Choosing a Birth Setting
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by Discover Midwives
2y ago
Susan Heinz is a nurse-midwife in Oregon and the founder of Corvallis Birth and Women’s Health Center. Susan shares her guide below for choosing the right setting for your birth. As the owner and Director of an independent free standing Birth Center I am often asked, how do I choose where to birth? My answer is always; Birth location is important, but model of care is even more important. When you select “where” you give birth (or intend to give birth) you are also selecting a model of care. When considering birth location, there are 3 general options: hospital free standing birth center ho more
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Vaginal Birth after C-Section (VBAC)
Our Moment of Truth
by Discover Midwives
2y ago
Want a VBAC? Consider a midwife! As a midwife, there is nothing more fulfilling to me than helping a woman who has had a cesarean in the past go on to have a successful vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). While attempting VBAC is not the right choice for every woman, many if not most women who have had a c-section in the past are good candidates to try for a vaginal birth. After taking the time to make sure a woman understands the risks and benefits of BOTH choices (repeat cesarean and labor after cesarean), the most important thing is that a woman can freely make her own choice based on her more
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