Einstein GPT
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by Mani
1y ago
I know it is a long time, but very happy to share that I have written a blog on Einstein GPT in my company website. It is published at the link below and enjoy reading it,Thanks! https://www.techforceservices.com/blog/einstein-gpt-the-future-of-ai-powered-customer-relationship-management ..read more
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How to get field values on onLoad in lightning-record-edit-form in LWC?
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
3y ago
Let’s say we are using lightning-record-edit form in LWC to display/edit the data and we have a requirement to get the field values during the onLoad event of the form. For instance, onLoad event calls handleOnLoad method and the code below shows the right approach to get the field values from the form based on the recordId: handleOnLoad(event) { var record = event.detail.records; var fields = record[this.recordId].fields;(obviously we need to have the recordId declared as @api decorator and the lwc is placed on the record page. Please refer the link https://developer.salesfor ..read more
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Using Dynamic Actions
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
3y ago
Scenario: Let’s say we have a quick action button(Edit) in the Highlights panel and the object behind the page is a Custom object. Also, we have a field called Form Status and we need to hide the button, when the Form Status = Pending Department Approval or Form Status = Pending Final Approval. This means, when the record is pending for approval, we don’t want any user to edit it. Solution: Use Dynamic actions :). This feature lets us to show or hide the actions based on criteria(s). Dynamic actions for custom objects are now GA for mobile, and have been GA for desktop since Winter ‘21. Dynami ..read more
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How to check if the logged in user is a Guest user or not in APEX class?
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
3y ago
To check if the logged in user is a Guest user or not in the APEX code, we can make use of the method isGuestUser() in Auth.CommunitiesUtil class where Auth is the namespace that provides an interface and classes for single sign-on into Salesforce and session security management. if(Auth.CommunitiesUtil.isGuestUser()) { <call method X> } else { <call method Y> } Also, there is a method isInternalUser() which returns true if the logged in user is an employee or the Internal user. Hope this post is helpful ..read more
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How to Close Quick action in LWC
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
3y ago
Recently, as part of Summer 21 release, Salesforce has given us an option to call the LWC directly from the Quick Action, earlier we had to call Lightning Component(LC) from the Quick Action and call the LWC from LC. In my current project, I had created a Quick Action called “Edit” and to close the Quick Action when user clicks on Cancel button inside the modal, we had to do the following: import { CloseActionScreenEvent } from ‘lightning/actions’; Let’s say the method closeModal is called, when user clicks on Cancel button: closeModal() { this.dispatchEvent(new&n ..read more
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Lightning component to filter Products and display results in lightning data table
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
5y ago
In this blog post, we will discuss on creating a lightning component to filter products based on Product Code and Product Name. User can type multiple codes or names separated by comma. Then, we will display the results based on the given search criteria using lightning data table. We have accounts of type=Vendor and every product is linked to a Vendor account. We will have a Vendor picklist in the component and it gets populated with the distinct values from the Vendor Number column on the search results. Apex Class: public with sharing class SearchProductController { @AuraEnabled public ..read more
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Lightning Components contd..
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
5y ago
In the previous post, we discussed about the Introduction of Lightning Components and now, we will create a Simple Lightning Component. Prerequisite: Before we create a Lightning Component, we need to make sure that My Domain is enabled in our Salesforce Org as it is Required to Use Lightning Components in Lightning component tabs, Lightning pages, the Lightning App Builder, or standalone apps. We will not cover this topic here and you can refer the link https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=domain_name_overview.htm&type=5 for more information. Create a new Lightning Compon ..read more
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Introduction to Lightning Components(Aura Components)
Salesforce Everywhere | All about Salesforce
by Mani
6y ago
It has been a long time:) and lot happened in my personal life..Last year, I have been blessed with a baby boy :)…Let’s jump to the topic now.. Before we know about Lightning Component(LC), let’s talk about Lightning Component framework. As per Salesforce, The Lightning Component framework is a modern UI framework for developing dynamic, responsive web apps for mobile and desktop devices. It uses JavaScript on the client side and Apex on the server side. Advantages of Lightning Component Framework: Framework comes with an Out-of-the-box Components for building apps There are add ..read more
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