Babe and Beauty
Esthetician beauty blogger, sharing years of experience and knowledge with you, naturally.
Babe and Beauty
5y ago
Taking a walk down the sunscreen aisle can be bit overwhelming to say the least. There are tons of different brands and types to sort through and reading all the claims on the labels can definitely be confusing. The good news is while much of the beauty industry is unregulated, sunscreen is considered an over-the-counter drug ingredient and is regulated by the FDA. Sunscreens are required to undergo FDA approved standardized testing to prove the formula is effective and do what they say they are going to do. (i.e. protect against sunburn.) So what do all these terms and claims mean on a sunscr more
Babe and Beauty
6y ago
I loveeeeee a good skin care tool. Especially one that is so pretty! The use of stones, crystals, and rollers have long been used in the facial room and I am so excited they have been making their way into the mainstream. Have you wondered the differences between these rollers?
Jade roller
Often, some of the best practices are the oldest, particularly with skin care. In China, jade has more