Ride The White Horse
My name is Oka and I’m a fortmumble year old witch living in the UK. It's about my connection to the land and - indirectly - that magical creature - the horse. I also have an interest in Traditional (non wicca) witchcraft, the instinctual workings from the land, our best teacher.
Ride The White Horse
2y ago
Hi all. Long time no post.
Must remedy that!
Just a note to let you know that I’ve been through the list of links on the right, updated those that needed it, fixed links, deleted those that are now defunct.
Hope everyone is doing ok during these difficult times. Don’t forget the Facebook page accepts messages if you want to make contact.
We’re very lucky in this area to have a number of Moots, Shops and other resources ..read more
Ride The White Horse
3y ago
The clearing in the wood had stood silent all day. Fallen snow deadened any sound there might have been. The sun set in fiery glory, the darkness chasing it away. The temperature dropped and the pool froze. An expectant quietness hung over the rest of the wood and the Longest Night had begun.As the world of Men slept, oblivious to the Wild Wood, the creatures of the land stirred, to follow a tradition as old as time and as hidden as secrets.
The darkness shrouded them as they journeyed from holes and setts, from thickets and fields. The moon broke the horizon and begun her journey across the ..read more
Ride The White Horse
4y ago
Due to Covid, as far as I know there are no local events running (if you know different please let me know )
In the meantime why not ‘attend’ these events ..read more
Ride The White Horse
4y ago
Just letting everyone know I’ve been through the list of links (if you’re on a mobile you’ll need web view rather than mobile view to see them on the right column) and weeded out those that are no longer working, added a few new gems. The Paganfed ones are currently not working and those will be updated once I get information back as to what’s gone wrong. One site is under reconstruction and I’ll keep an eye on it.
Other than that, click at will ..read more
Ride The White Horse
5y ago
Standing under a bright full moon, in the cold of a december night, under trees stripped bare of leaves. The last full moon for the decade is a time of reflection.
So many changes have taken place in ten years. Standing in the flood tide of the power of this moon, I am reminded of previous moons, previous tides, bringing tears and laughter both. Changes have been both small, and monumental, personal, cultural….the list is endless and far too personal to go into here. What they all have in common is the turning tides of the earth, seasons, hopes and fears. We live in a world that is far, f ..read more
Ride The White Horse
5y ago
Professor Ronald Hutton is coming to Milton Keynes to give a talk on The Concept of Pagan Survivals Revisited. Tickets are free on the following link.
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-concept-of-pagan-survivals-revisited-a-seminar-by-prof-ronald-hutton-tickets-72497713613 ..read more
Ride The White Horse
5y ago
Somehow the Diary rolled back to a previous incarnation – I have no idea either <glares in general direction of Mercury>
It is now restored back to how it should be.
Happy Mercury Retrograde, all ..read more
Ride The White Horse
5y ago
As the dark nights lengthen, and the land cools down, the frosts become harder and the leaves on the trees turn to gold, the time of Samhain arrives. It is a time of polarisation, from the commercialised Halloween, with it’s ready brought costumes, carved pumpkins and screams of children out trick or treating, emphasising the stark contrast to the deep introspection that this time triggers within us. It is a liminal time, a time of wraiths and spirits, of respect for the dead and for honouring those who have come before us. Of quiet time alone, to think, to reconnect, to remember where we came ..read more
Ride The White Horse
6y ago
A very Blessed Full Moon to all. This may moon is a Blue moon, there are two definitions for this, this particular one is the third full moon in a season. ( the other is a second Full moon in a calendar month)
Hoping the energies of this beautiful moon renew and empower you for the coming season ..read more