View From a Walking Frame
A blog about an average girl who just happens to have Cerebral Palsy
View From a Walking Frame
3y ago
I’ve been living on my own for four months now. Can you believe it? Four. Months. In that time I’ve been very restrained and only been to IKEA twice, fallen and cut my head open once (I’m fine by the way), and used a dishwasher for the first time in my life. You’d think after ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
I did it! I finally moved out of my mum’s house. Not only did I move out, but I’ve moved away. I’ve gone from West Yorkshire to South Yorkshire. I’ve wanted to move out ever since I had to move back home at the end of university. Moving back in was never part of The ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
What do you see when you look at this photo? It’s okay, you can be honest: it’s a poorly-taken picture of an empty moisturiser tub. Well, that’s probably what it looks like to you, but to me it symbolises so much more. It symbolises strength, healing, growth, courage, self-worth, kindness and hope, to name but ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
Today is the fourth bad cerebral palsy day I’ve had in a row. I am sore, I am grumpy and I am tired. And, I’ll admit it, I’d kinda forgotten just how draining it is to have increased pain levels over ‘prolonged’ period of time. And. It. Sucks. I’ve had far more than four bad ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
Do you remember that bit in my previous blog post where I said that my hip and pelvis pain had been so much better since I’d been staying at home all the time? Well, I think I jinxed it, because guess who started having a pain flare the day after I wrote it? Yup, that’d ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
Hello, hello – how are you all? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels as though 2020 has lasted about three years already and we’re only just halfway through. Those of you who follow me on Twitter might be aware that my dad died of cancer a few weeks ago. I won’t ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
Okay, I admit it. It has been so long since I last updated this blog that I couldn’t remember my login details. I may have forgotten those, but I hadn’t actually forgotten View from a Walking Frame, the people who read it, or that an update was long overdue. I could spend ages writing a ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
N.B. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit in the UK that helps disabled people cover the extra living costs they incur as a result of their impairments, such as needing to pay for a care team or buy pre-cooked food. My PIP assessment was actually a positive experience. Yes, you read that right. It ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
N.B. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit in the UK that helps disabled people cover the extra living costs they incur as a result of their impairments, such as needing to pay for a care team or buy pre-cooked food. Usually, an event like a PIP assessment would send my anxiety into overdrive weeks ..read more
View From a Walking Frame
4y ago
Let me start this review by saying that I knew nothing about Sir Bert Massie before I read his memoir. I recognised his name, but I didn’t know why I recognised it. Basically, I’ve grown up seeing the results of his extensive campaigning all around me without knowing it. For those of you who are ..read more