Power Pages: a known table permissions issue which I did not know were known
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
4d ago
It always catches me by surprise when I spend a few hours trying to figure something out, and then it turns out to be a known issue. Except that it’s not that well known, perhaps. How would you call it, by the way? According to the Copilot, it’s called a “paradox”: Either way, in case… Read More ..read more
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I got a lot of things wrong about AI along the way. It’s time to start putting things straight
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
2w ago
A few years ago (was it really “a few” or just 1 or 2? It does not count as “a few”, right?), when I first saw how AI tools were able to generate code, to produce very reasonable answers, and to manifest other signs of “intelligence”, my first reaction was “oh, crap, the end is… Read More ..read more
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Trying to access an app and getting this error message? Even if it does not say so, do check your license
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
1M ago
I was trying to test some security settings the other day and ran into the message below while trying to open a model-driven app using the usual …/main.aspx?appid=… url: This is not an error message I would have seen before, so I had to retry different security roles etc, all to no avail. It was… Read More ..read more
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You can’t create a custom function in Power Pages liquid, but you can get close enough
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
2M ago
Have you ever thought of creating a custom function in liquid to reuse it in multiple places? Technically you can’t, not a custom function. However, you can create web templates as components, and that allows us to use such templates almost in the same way we’d be using functions. For example, you could easily re-use… Read More ..read more
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Need to set null lookup value through the Power Pages web API, and your copilot does not know how to do it, yet?
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
3M ago
Let’s say you are trying to use Power Pages web api to set a lookup column to null. You might want to ask copilot, but, depending on which one you ask (maybe none of them?), it might not know, not yet at least: Well, normally, you’d be using this syntax to prepare your data object… Read More ..read more
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Request to Azure Resource Manager failed with error in the Power Pages flows
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
3M ago
As usual with such posts, there is the same story: there was a time our Power Pages flows were working fine, until they were not, since we started to get an error, and, to be more specific, here is the error: Request to Azure Resource Manager failed with error: ‘{“error”:{“code”:”InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed”,”message”:”Could not find any valid connection… Read More ..read more
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Solution architecture – what do I actually do on the Power Platform projects?
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
3M ago
Every now and then I seem to be going over a bit of an identity crisis, so I have to remind myself what is it I do best and how is it different from what some may think I am supposed to do. So let’s see if this makes sense… but let’s start from waaay… Read More ..read more
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Implementing GC Web (government of Canada) theme. Part 5 follow up – when a PCF component messes it all up
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
3M ago
In the Part 5 of my GC Web series, I wrote about creating a completely custom form in Power Pages, and it all worked just fine up until the moment I added a PCF component to the page using codecomponent liquid tag. The result was just short of disastrous. To illustrate/troubleshoot what has happened on… Read More ..read more
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Power pages adventures – Liquid error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
3M ago
I’d say there is a disclaimer for this post – there might be a better way to do what I’m about to explain, but, well, maybe it’s the only way. So, every now and then, you’d be using FetchXml with Liquid, and you’d be getting an error: Liquid error: Exception has been thrown by the… Read More ..read more
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Implementing GC Web (government of Canada) theme. Part 5: let’s add a custom form, GC Web – style
It Ain’t Boring
by Alex Shlega
4M ago
In the previous post, I wrote about how to create a GC Web-based web template to render tables in Power Pages. The idea was to discuss localizations next, but let’s take a de-tour and talk about custom forms first. Why would we even do such a thing if there are out of the box basic… Read More ..read more
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