God is Jealous and Revengeth
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV The LORD is slow to anger, & great in power, the LORD has His way in the Whirlwind and storm.  Nahum 1:2,3 ..read more
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An Altar: Elelohe Israel
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV Jacob buy a field and buildeth an altar and called it Elelohe Israel.  Genesis 33:18-20  ..read more
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The 10 Commandments
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV  The ten commandments. And the LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.   ..read more
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Safety - Happy State of the Godly
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV  Safety for the Godly.  Psalm 91:11,12 Repent  ..read more
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Remember How the Lord is Leading You
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV Keep the LORD Commandments that ye may live, & multiply, & go in & possess the land. Remember how the Lord led you in the wilderness for 40 years to humble & prove you. He humbled thee & fed ther manna - physical food, but we need every Word of the Lord to live.  ..read more
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The People Complain With Moses
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV The people murmur - complain for water at Rephim  & are sent to the rock in Horeb.   THE LORD told Moses to take Elders of Israel with him & hit the rock with his rod ..read more
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Only Serve the Lord thy God
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV The evil one came to Jesus, to tempt with more than once in these Scriptures.   Jesus told the evil one, it is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God & Get away: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, & Him only serve.  You can't love the world & God.  Matthew 4:3-11 ..read more
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Happy New Year 2022
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
 The Lord spared our life once again.  This is not to be taken lightly. Hold to God's Unchanging Hands ..read more
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God Made an Agreement with our Fathers
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV Thy Offsprings on Earth are Blessed, Ye are the children of the prophets,  and of the covenant  - agreement which God made with our fathers, He spoke unto Abraham, And in thy offspring- seed shall all the kindred of the earth be blessed.   Acts 3:25 ..read more
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We have a Holy Calling
Angela Watkins Rivers
7M ago
KJV The power of God saved us, & called us with an holy calling,  for His purpose & grace, which was given us by Jesus before the world was formed.   2 Timothy 1:9  ..read more
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