The community of dogs and cats lovers! You will be able to geolocalize our four-legged friends, video-calling and chatting with your friends, searching and locating dog-friendly locations and venues such as areas for dogs, restaurants, hotels, veterinary surgeons, specialist shops and much more.
5y ago
Winner of 15 grand slams and currently ranked No.1, Novak Djokovic is a dog lover just like you and us! This tennis star gives his canines the lush life they deserve.
A Little About Novak Djokovic
Even if you are not a tennis fan, you have probably heard about Djokovic. The No. 1 was born on May 22, 1987, in Serbia. He is married to Jelena and they have two kids: Stefan and Tara.
You can tell from his Instagram account that this is one guy that loves family time. His photos show his devotion to his family, including the two poodles that also share the home: Pierre and Tesla.
At age 31 ..read more
5y ago
Cat Anorexia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Cat anorexia refers to the lack of interest for food and loss of appetite. There are two types of cat anorexia: true anorexia and pseudo-anorexia. True anorexia refers to a cat that does not want to eat at all, whereas pseudo-anorexia occurs when a cat wants to eat but it cannot due to complications.
These complications may include inflammation, tumors, disease, and pain. A cat with pseudo-anorexia will have difficulty chewing or grabbing food.
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5y ago
Dog walking
You love to the whole dog walking experience. Taking your friend sightseeing and having him do some exercise is something that makes you proud! Check out the following five things you probably did not know about dog walking. Read and become a pro dog walker.
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Walk in front of your dog
When walking your dog, he should walk next to you or behind you. To him, the one walking in front is the leader of the pack. If, on the other hand, he walks in front and leads you, he will ..read more
5y ago
Rosemary Dogs - Not only is Rosemary safe for your dog but it is actually good. It has the potential of a natural flea repellant. Besides that, it contains antioxidants that may prevent heart disease and cancer.
These and some other added benefits apply if Rosemary is applied in proper amounts. We will be taking a short walk through the benefits of this shrub and how it helps your dog.
Rosemary Dogs: What is Rosemary
Rosemary is a Mediterranean aromatic evergreen shrub that is actually found in many commercial foods as a preservative. Perhaps because of this, people associate it with sei ..read more
6y ago
Immune system cats - The immune system of cats protects them against disease-causing parasites. It consists of a network of antibodies, white blood cells, and other substances that help their body fight off disease. There are also some organs involved there that produce white blood cells.
These organs include the thymus gland and the bone marrow. You can also add there the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver.
Immune system cats: The two division
Based on the specificity of their functions, the immune system of cats can be divided in two: innate and adaptative.
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6y ago
Lawn Herbicides - Have you ever thought what is the effect of the herbicides on your lawn for your pet? Perhaps trying to get rid of weed is costing you more than what you bargained for.
A study shows that pesticides do not only harm plants and animals feeding on them, but they can also bring harm to your dog. Please read below before bringing in the spraying pump to your farm or backyard.
The Study on Herbicides for Dogs
Lawn Herbicides - A study published in July 2013 tested urine samples of 25 dogs whose owners had sprayed the lawn with herbicides. This was done to determine if the po ..read more
6y ago
Good nutrition is fundamental to a healthy immune system. Eating the proper nutrients in the proper amount goes a long way into strengthening the body's natural defenses. Thymus extract has been a proven way to boost the immune system.
What about our pets? Do they get the same benefit? Absolutely yes! Read below to find out how your pet can be benefited from this plant.
Thymus: What are Some Uses?
A good sip of some thymus tea is both soothing and healing. Thymus refers to a group of aromatic plants. They are native to the temperate areas of Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
The plant ha ..read more
6y ago
Can dogs eat watermelon?
Can dogs eat watermelon? Straightforward, yes. Next question! Oh, but hold on. Before you pull one from the orchard and throw it to him, you need to read this first.
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Can dogs eat watermelons? Yes, but with caution
Watermelon is a delicious fruit laded with vitamins A, B6, and C plus minerals. It contains a lot of water and it is altogether refreshing. So, it is a good idea to give some to your dog during that hot summer.
One of the things you should be c ..read more
6y ago
Puppy Socialization - There is a time in the life of a puppy when he is all about learning. This is when puppy socialization is pivotal in determining what is this dog going to be like, socially, when he becomes an adult. Even more important, this period will determine the personality of the dog and how he will react to his environment.
Socializing a puppy has its ways, time, and reason. Take a look at how you should help the puppy meet world.
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The critical time for puppy socializat ..read more
6y ago
Cat ear language
They twitch, they fall backward, they get pointy. Ears are definitively a means of communication of your feline friend. But what is up with this cat ear language? What is the message behind the movements of your cat's ear?
Although cats are mysterious, understanding what it is that they want to say with their ears is only a matter of paying close attention. Your cat will use her ears to express how she feels, needs or desires. Check out how to decipher cat ear language.
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