The Zen Teacher | Blog
The Zen Teacher helps you create focus, achievement, and success through an emphasis on simplicity and tranquility in the classroom. He has been a member of the West Hills High School English Department for over twenty years. Blog contains articles, videos, and thoughts on teaching.
The Zen Teacher | Blog
1y ago
There are two long hauls in the traditional school calendar where there are virtually no days off. November is the long month between summer and Winter Break. And March is the long month between Winter Break and Spring Break. The Long Haul is made up of days. And days are made up of hours. So it’s important to remember that you have 100% control over what you do with those hours. You can choose...
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
1y ago
When I talk about your Zen Practice, I’m talking about that hobby that’s more than a hobby—it’s the activity that causes you to lose track of time, become fully engage and involved in it, recharge your battery, and plunge yourself into what scientist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi called “Flow.” A Zen Practice is different for everyone. Yours might be: To discover your Zen Practice...
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
1y ago
The world is filled with chaos and white noise. Car alarms, T.V.s blaring in restaurants, leaf blowers “beautifying” suburbia. We accept all of it as normal. It becomes a personal responsibility, then, an individual mission to carve out those moments where we can bask in the sweet bliss of silence. –In the car with no radio –In church on Sunday morning –During your coffee break or lunch at work...
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
1y ago
Chance are you’ve spent a fair amount of time today scrolling on your device. And that’s fine. But think about that when you say you don’t have time to do that thing you want to do. Do you want to: –Read for pleasure? –Write? –Nurture a relationship with a friend or family member by a short text, email, or phone call? –Get out into nature? –Spend time with your children or your pet or both?
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
3y ago
I was listening to a business guru recently and she said, “A Calendar is relationship.” I don’t think she even knew she said it, but the idea took my breath away. I’d never thought of it that way. A few years ago, I started taking responsibility for what was on my calendar. I started being mindful about what was on my schedule. But this is next level. And you know, just like in any relationship...
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
3y ago
It was one of those moments of uncomfortable panic. I had just gotten out of my car and was walking toward the school office when I went for my phone, but my hands slapped an empty pocket. I walked back to my car and scanned the driver’s side seat and the console in the middle, where I often jam my phone in the cup holder. Both empty. For a moment, I was lost in the middle of the parking lot...
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
3y ago
In my book Sanctuaries: Self-Care Secrets for Stressed Out Teachers* there is a chapter entitled “Play.” It revolves around the idea that, no matter how old you are, one great strategy for reducing stress, increasing self-care, and avoiding burnout is to just have fun. Plain and Simple. In all areas of The Zen Teacher experience, I have always tried to walk the talk. To that end...
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
3y ago
The other night I watched a thriller from 1995 called The Net with Sandra Bullock, and it made me very anxious. My anxiety did not stem from the fact that the story revolves around the paranoia of our entire lives being online and in computers and how easy it would be for evil people to manipulate it and control our entire world and completely erase our identities with the click of a single key.
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
3y ago
It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to have down time. It’s okay to relax. It’s okay to be idle. It’s okay to stare off into space (just not while driving. . .) It’s okay to NOT do. It’s okay to lollygag. It’s okay to meander. It’s okay to nap (no, really. . .). It’s okay to take time for yourself. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to sit down. It’s okay to refill your cup. It’s okay be still.
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The Zen Teacher | Blog
3y ago
Photo by Luis Villasmil Burn out is often a function of sustained, consistent stress. And stress is a real thing, ya’ll! According to The Marlin Company, 80% of workers feel stress on the job, and nearly half said they need help in learning how to manage stress. While there are many causes of stress and burn out, some of the most common are: Too much to do. Our culture rewards martyrdom and being...
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