Powder, pressed powder, mineral makeup, foundation: Q & As on which one to use
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
I’ve heard you say women shouldn’t wear foundation, but what about powder? Is it also bad for the skin? I feel like I want to have something covering my skin! Let me start by saying I don’t actually think women “shouldn’t” wear foundation, but I like giving information on the possible effects of doing so and offering alternatives, one of which I subscribe to and that is not wearing any makeup. It’s all a choice, and then it is me as an aesthetician giving advice regarding makeup. If you do wear it--great! Just be sure to take appropriate care of your skin. To me, powder is preferable to we ..read more
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“What can I do about severely chapped lips?” Plus a gift from COVID
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
What can I do about severely chapped lips? Are there any good lip products? Although it is a common problem, chapped lips can become a thing of the past. What does it take? Diligence and consistent use of proper lip products. And in the case of severely chapped lips, a vacation from lipstick—a product that probably caused much of the chapping in the first place. One reason I don’t have chapped lips: I don’t wear lipstick. I haven’t for over 20 years, and when I did wear it, my lips were invariably chapped—if not always, then often. I am not advocating giving up lipstick altogether, but I a ..read more
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Skin Conditions—Misc: all links so far
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
skin conditions—misc Bumps on your arms? It could be Keratosis Pilaris CANKER SORES—ouch! A few go-to products to help heal these painful mouth ulcers Cellulite happens—how about a paradigm shift?! Chemotherapy & Skin Care Crusty skin spots? What are seborrheic keratoses? Lysine for cold sores (and cats?) Pityriasis Rosea—my experience with this somewhat strange inflammatory skin condition (new!) Rashy breakout around your mouth? A client’s question Skin care and sleep loss: “I need help!” (new!) WHAT are Capillaries? You want to know about them, especially if you have red ..read more
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Cleansing: all links so far
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
cleansing Advanced Steps for Cleansing AHAs in cleansers—why? “Cleaning” your face with water (only)—really?! (new!) Cleanse once? Twice? How often and why CLEANSERS 101: What IS a cleanser? What to look for and what NOT to use—updated (new!) Cleansing Cloths—Yay or nay? (new!) Cleansing Quick Tip Do I really need to clean my face? Here is a cleanser you DON’T want to use on your face! How much cleanser am I supposed to use? How to wash your face—things you may not know (new!) Is Cetaphil OK to use as my facial cleanser? Is it OK to use a washcloth on my face? MYTH: So ..read more
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The Basics & The Extras: all links so far
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
The Basics THE BASICS 1-2-3 Program for proper skin care A Few Quick Tips from THE BASICS How to wash your face—things you may not know (new!) Skin care is not rocket science—Back to The Basics Too Busy for Skin Care? Sometimes doing The Basics is all you need the extras THE EXTRAS—Do more to have healthy skin The Extras work! Clients see improvement in their skin with these simple Extras Quick Tips for The Extras (new ..read more
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What causes bruising? Plus ideas on what to use on a bruise
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
What is a bruise? It’s pretty basic, really. When a hard object delivers a blow to the body or you fall down on a hard surface, something’s got to give. The small blood vessels, capillaries, just beneath the skin will break with contact and cause blood to leak out and into the surrounding skin, making for discoloration of the affected area or a bruise. Depending on how hard of a blow, it can also produce swelling and inflammation at the site. A bruise, sometimes called a contusion or hematoma, will usually start off looking like a dull (or not-so-dull) red or purple co ..read more
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How to wash your face—things you may not know
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
Milky cleansers generally won’t suds-up like this. How should I be washing my face? Knowing how to wash your face may seem obvious. But year after year I have clients who really aren’t quite sure about this process. It is of course not a difficult process but it is the first in a series of important steps that will help keep your skin looking and feeling its best. Read on in order to clear up any confusion, then you can go forth and wash your face with confidence. A few things first: I highly recommend using pH papers to test any and all of your skin care products, including your c ..read more
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Pityriasis Rosea—my experience with this somewhat strange inflammatory skin condition
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
Pityriasis rosea (PR) is a skin condition I have had myself, so I thought I’d write down my own experiences in case it might be helpful to any of you. PR is described as an acute inflammatory skin disease, marked by reddish ring-shaped eruptions, predominantly on the trunk. Just for the record, PR has no “known” cause. But I can tell you in one word why I developed this condition: stress. The year I was producing my first book was one of the most stressful periods of my entire life. I cannot begin to explain the inner stress my body and soul was going through. The outer or physica ..read more
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Sugar & Skin: all links so far
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
sugar & skin Accutane: Jennifer’s story Acne, medications, pregnancy—“I need your help!” (new!) CANKER SORES—ouch! A few go-to products to help heal these painful mouth ulcers Experiencing “The Sugar Blues”? Eliminate sugar to reduce migraines, allergies & more! Gaining control of problem skin: Your Ultimate Guide Giving in to Girl Scout Cookies and more: One client's sugar revelation Helpful hints to lessen sugar intake Hidden Sugar: Sugar in Unsuspected Places “I don’t eat much sugar”—really? I’m sensitive to sugar—are you? MYTH: Chocolate makes your skin break out Problem sk ..read more
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Body—Misc: all links so far
Carolyn Ash | Ageless beauty, timeless skin
3y ago
body—misc A DIY At-Home BACK FACIAL—with a friend’s help of course! (new!) Are you forgetting something? THE FORGOTTEN PLACES—face & body Cellulite happens—how about a paradigm shift?! Do you have dry, itchy skin on your body? “Is Dr. Bronner soap OK to use on my body?” (new!) Standing Tall—checking in on your posture Sun Protection: Face, neck, and hands Also see Body—Exfoliation & Moisturizing: all links so far ..read more
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