Wing Woman Adventures
Solo female travel blog by Sally Watson, sharing stories, thoughts and tips to encourage and assist you to travel widely, wisely, independently and confidently.
Wing Woman Adventures | Solo Female Travel Blog
5y ago
You might imagine traveling solo is challenging, expensive, lonely and scary? One solution is to travel solo “doggy style.” Guest blog by Daryl Cygler.
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Wing Woman Adventures | Solo Female Travel Blog
6y ago
In retrospect, my bus journey from Popayán to San Agustin in Colombia seems quite funny! I can now laugh at myself: the foreign girl falling apart who couldn’t speak Spanish, sobbing uncontrollably in her crappy bus seat with a dog at her feet, on a remote dusty road full of pot holes, heading towards the Ecuador border. After experiencing what could be described as culture shock, San Agustin was worth every moment of getting there. Getting To San Agustin After a hospitable stay in a remarkable ‘finca’ in Cali with my friends Jim and Sofi, an Australian man and Colombian woman, they kindly d more