Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
Beth Tancredi is a professional writer, blogger, author, ghostwriter and editor. She offers blog writing, copywriting and content writing service too!
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
Days after you and Dad listened to me pour out my soul for over an hour on Facetime, you sent me this:
It’s not the first time you’ve sent me words of encouragement that I’m conquering motherhood (and life). And I hope it’s not the last.
You seem to know exactly when I need to hear this, but I don’t think you know how much it means to me.
Your latest text has me wondering, though, whether your mother ever told you what a great job you did raising us.
My guess is no.
And not because Grandma didn’t think it, but in those days, I just don’t think it was something that people felt the need to say more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
I had my suspicions for years – my suspicions that there was someone else in the picture. Likely multiple “someone elses.”
Hell, it wasn’t just suspicion. I even had my evidence.
But I never wanted to believe it. Not for one second.
Because surely, if what I thought what was going on was really happening, I must have been the reason for it.
“It’s not you,” I would think, “It’s me. I’m not enough. Enough wife. Enough mother. Enough lover. Enough success.”
Your narcissism fed me that poison by the spoonful… because as long as I doubted myself, you could continue doing what you wanted to do.
It W more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
Years ago, when I worked in the financial services industry, I remember a colleague vividly describing Black Monday – the single biggest one-day drop in the stock market at the time.
“I was surrounded by co-workers doubled over their trash cans throwing up,” he said, “It was sheer panic as we watched what seemed to be the market whittling away to nothing. Panic over their own money. Panic over their clients’ money. One guy threw his desk chair at the window, hoping to hurl it – followed by himself – right on through. Damndest thing about windows in a high rise building though, they don’t break more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
In 1996, I dismantled a bomb.
In my sleep. Just hours after watching Geena Davis’s spy thriller, “The Long Kiss Goodnight.”
Imagine my surprise when I woke up in the morning to find my tiny cactus (the bomb) missing from its little ceramic pot.
Imagine my even bigger surprise when I opened the washing machine door only to find the spiny green succulent wrapped in a towel sitting inside – ya know, just in case it hadn’t been defused.
This is how my sleeping patterns went for years – so much so, that I worried that when I went off to college I would walk clear out of my dorm to God-knows-where more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
Perhaps it was June’s night sky or the music echoing through the air.
Perhaps it was the inspiration of the message pumping through the speakers.
Perhaps it was thousands of people singing and dancing along with the band.
Or perhaps, just perhaps, it was the memory of her teenage years – being at the same venue in practically the same spot on the lawn where she had sat so many times with her friends before.
It didn’t matter.
Whatever the reason, she let herself go.
For a few hours, she danced. She sang. She let her inhibitions, her burdens, her everything, go.
And she hoped upon hope that her more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
To my youngest as you talk about your career goals,
Sometime before you had even hit the age of eight, you looked at me wide-eyed and asked, “Mommy, when I’m older can I be a police officer [like his father] or a soldier [like his grandfathers before him]?”
I choked back the tears just thinking about every implication of those career options and replied, “I will support you no matter what career you choose, as long as you are kind, make an honest living and can support yourself by doing it.”
Today, my dear, as you told me for the one-hundredth time that you now want to be a professional v more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
I had waited so, so long for my husband to sober up – for our lives to finally be better. Happier. Without the weight of the bottle holding us down.
Eight months into his sobriety, though, I was consumed with worry that he would slip up and drag us all back down the rabbit hole.
But what was more troubling for me than waiting for the other shoe to drop was the very blurry line that my role as a wife and mother had now crossed. I was so used to my old life… the life in which I was the caretaker of all, the emotional provider and the ever-present parent covering up some dark secrets. The life in more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
I stood beside the gray sedan, staring at my reflection in the window and thinking, “Driving. This is going to change my life.”
And it was life-changing – teaching me lessons that were not just valuable behind the wheel, but in business as well.
“Hop in!” said Mary from the front passenger seat, arm draped over her personal steering wheel and her long Elvira-like fingernails tapping on the dashboard one by one.
I had heard stories about Mary. Stories that made me fear for my life.
“Ugh! Mary’s your driving instructor? She’ll just stick her arm through her steering wheel so you can’t turn yours more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
When financial executive, John Goldman, had the opportunity to attend Financial Partners of Upstate NY’s annual kickoff meeting, he jumped at the opportunity to draw new inspiration and learn from the event’s speakers. He was particularly interested in hearing the stories of former Navy SEAL Phillip Koontz and how he uses his military experience to overcome adversity.
“I have a lot of respect for those who put their lives on the line so the rest of us can live in freedom,” said Goldman.
But one part of the presentation truly resonated with Goldman: The ringing of the bell during SEAL training more
Beth Tancredi : Author, Ghostwriter, Blogger
2y ago
The dishwasher runs constantly.
A reminder that
unlike “the before times,”
we are always home.
And by the time the light signals that the dishes are clean,
there will be
two more dirty cups,
a bowl
and two spoons
waiting in line to get in.
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